Upgrade to 7957 causes workspace issues
Problem reported by YS Tech - 10/29/2021 at 2:02 AM
I've just upgraded to 7957 and also now have issues with Team Workspace.

1) When I test between my desktop (iMac) and iPad (different email account logins), I can connect to the meeting but I don't get any video apart from myself, the other person is black with 2 flashing red/yellow monitors in the bottom right. This is the same for the other user.

2) The number of attendees seems to be all over the place as well, currently showing 5 when there's only 2!

3) When it shows 5 attendees (even though there's only 2), it shows myself and 4 other video panes (all blank but with the same email address), this changes randomly between 5 and 2 and I think after some time settles to the correct figure of attendees (screenshot shows 2 attendees but 4 screens):

3) When I try to share screen I get a infinite images of my desktop:

A few bugs here I think?
Any help with these appreciated.

4 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello and thanks for your patience on this. These behaviors (no video and attendee issues) almost always stem from firewall or NAT (Network Address Translation) configurations. The lack of video originates in problems assigning and listening on dynamic port numbers due to that network configuration.

Do you have a TURN or STUN server address set up in this domain's configuration? If not, I recommend testing this change using one of the publically available STUN/TURN server deployments that are available including Google's to see if this resolves the problem. Please let me know how that works out for you. Have a good one!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
Regarding the issue you mentioned with screen sharing, this is expected behavior when the browser containing the team workspace is visible on the screen being shared.

Basically, when you share your screen, it gets displayed to all the meeting participants, including yourself. Since the screen being displayed is now visible in your browser, it ends up nesting until it is no longer distinguishable.

The easiest way to prevent this is minimize the browser containing the team workspace, or hide it behind another window. If you are working on a multi-screen setup, moving the browser to another screen will also prevent the infinite nesting.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
YS Tech Replied
Thank you Andrew, I can understand that, I'll give that a try once I am able to view more than one person on the setup (currently can't see what it looks like from another user), hence why I could only view from myself and why I was getting the infinity view.

Thanks Kyle, I didn't need anything prior to the update, video conferencing all worked fine) and have had multiple people talking to each other. Has something changed since the older builds?
I though this was supposed to work out of the box?
Do I need to open up ports on my firewall now to get this running, if so what are these please?

I upgraded from build 7776 to 7957, video conferencing was working ok in 7776 for me, I haven't changed anything on the server to block any ports, etc. so something must have changed between 7776 and 7957 that's stopped this running, I can't find anything in your release notes for each version, any ideas (I've tried opening all the ports WebRTC recommends with no difference)?
If it worked in 7776, shouldn't it still work in 7957?

I've added a google STUN server address to the general admin 
But this made no difference so I've removed again. It does say:
If no STUN/TURN servers are configured, a default STUN server will be used.
So I assume it should work without an external one?

YS Tech Replied
Further testing and it seems like the Mac Safari browser is the issue, I ran a few tests and everything works fine in Chrome.
Safari also doesn't give you any options when trying to share screen, it just shares your whole screen (with yourself, hence the infinity view).
iPad also doesn't allow you to share screen, whether that's because I'm logged in as a guest or that its a restriction on the IOS browser I don't know (yet to test)?
Is this something you've seen in your testing prior to release?

I found the issue using the https://test.webrtc.org website, to try and find out what was going on.
When checking video it returns this error:
[ FAILED ] Only Firefox and Chrome getStats implementations are supported
That may have nothing to do with the issue but it prompted me to try another browser, which is how I discovered it worked in Chrome but not in Safari.

So this platform isn't compatible with various browsers or at least Safari?

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