Admin Email Message Missing Editor (HTML Wisywig Editor)
Idea shared by Hasham Wahaib - 9/8/2021 at 11:22 AM
I noticed recent we are receiving lots of Spam Mails, Despite Message Sniffer, DMIK, DMARC, SPF, all are configured, Spam Mails are actually coming Though a "Mailing List" which may be are not having ability to go through all these SPAM Filters.

Coming to Main Point of this Thread

I thought I could send some educative key points to all domains mail users, so I logged into SM Admin Panel, From the Domains Page I selected "Send Mail" but the option to Send Mail Message is there, though it have very basic interface, and missing the regular HTML Editor, if it was there I could make nice present able Email Explaining how to deal with SPAM emails if they appear in mail users "Inbox" 

This option or idea may not attract you so much, but I think could be very helpful to design and send out educative emails f\by Admin to Mail Users.

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[just a note about the mailing list and SPAM checks]

Hello. The messages sent to a mailing list are checked by the spam filters. BUT. Even if the mail is flagged as SPAM it is delivered anyway. So this is totally useless.

I think around two years ago I wrote a long speech in a ticket about this, and the ticket got closed saying it was on some todo list. Never heard anything since.

We had to rely on frontend spam checkers to prevent this issue (spams sent to mailing lists) and many other issues as SmarterTools did not provide a solution.

Last answer from support before our ticket about this subject was closed.
Tony Scholz (ascholz)
Sent Jun 30, 2020 11:12:06 PM

I do understand your reasoning and have escalated as a feature request.

I've escalated this request by adding it to the product backlog. When the product management team goes through the planning stages for new feature Builds, they use the items in the backlog as the basis for that planning. Therefore, this request will be re-visited and re-evaluated in the future.

In the meantime, please feel free to utilize the SmarterTools Community to garner support and feedback on this request. If there is an existing thread related to this topic, you can show your support by upvoting the thread. If one does not exist, you can create a new thread to 'Propose an Idea'. Based on its appeal to the wide range of users of our products and the popularity of the feature, this functionality may be included in a future Build.

Thanks for your feedback and for helping us make our products better!

Tony Scholz

My original ticket message (I will save you the ~20 other exchanges in the ticket)

Sent Apr 28, 2020 10:20:18 AM

Just wanted to ask if, in SmarterMail 17/100/MAPI BETA, the mailing list still aren't checked against SPAM ?

Actually we have some customers that gets their mailing list spammed (total spam weight 40+) and they are spoofing the sender from address so it matches an autorised poster of the mailing list.

I tried to find an option for mailing lists where you can say to drop posts to the mailing list if spam weight is LOW or MED or HIGH without sucess.

Is there a way to prevent this to happen ?

Kind regards.

Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com

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