Folder deletion does not go to the trash
Problem reported by Sabatino - 8/5/2021 at 9:34 AM
Not A Problem
In webmail, deleting a folder is permanent.
The folder is not put in the trash.

is it a mistake or is it deliberate?
Sabatino Traini
      Chief Information Officer
Genial s.r.l. 
Martinsicuro - Italy

3 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
This is intentional and expected behavior. Email data will be moved to the Deleted Items when purged from a folder, but folders will not.
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Sabatino Replied
why this behavior?

Wouldn't it have been better to have the user ask what they want to do?

Already there is an alert, you could ask the user if he wants to permanently delete the folder or move it to the deleted items

I post a proposal
Sabatino Traini Chief Information Officer Genial s.r.l. Martinsicuro - Italy
Nathan Replied
This has always felt like a bug or design fault

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