doaminlist.xml file
Question asked by Steven Haskell - 6/21/2021 at 6:41 AM
hello community, I'm currently running SM v15.7.6970. I am in the process of migrating SM to Azure. The issue that I am having is that during this migration/build in Azure  I decided to do a little clean up on the current production box. As in clean up I mean remove old no longer need domains and email account, "garbage in garbage out" right? 
I noticed that after I removed the domain, within SM, select the domain and on the actions select delete, the domainlist.xml file is not updated to reflect the changes. Yes I have stopped and restarted the mail service so I don't believe that to be an issue. Other than manually editing the file to reflect the changes, does anyone have any idea as to why the changes would not reflect? or a better why to force the changes? I would like to reduce the chances of removing the wrong domain out of the list while cleaning up the list.
As always thank you for any assistance,


3 Replies

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Steven Haskell Replied
Well I feel stupid, problem solved
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
@Steven: What ended up being the fix? I've only seen something like this once before and it was a locked XML file due to an antivirus scanning the file, was it something along those lines?
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Steven Haskell Replied
Marked As Answer
no my bad, before I did the cleanup of the domains I copied the list over to the new environment. I realized that I was on the wrong server but rest assured after realizing that i quickly copied the correct list over all good now
thank you

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