Signature: Sender mail address not correctly set in Webmail UI
Problem reported by Stefan Mössner - 6/21/2021 at 6:16 AM
Hi all,

I still have issues with setting the correct sender mail address in the signature when writing a new mail.

I have an internal mail domain and I'm using an external mail hoster for sending and receiving mails. So each account is set up with the mail address of the external mail hoster as standard mail address - the primary address is the internal one. All the mails are sent with the address of the external mail hoster as sender address.

I set up a central signature configuration which also shows the used sender address so it should be the one of the external mail hoster. But using Microsoft Edge (chromium based) the signature always shows the internal mail address when writing new mails. With Firefox it sometimes works correctly but sometimes not. You can correct this by switching to another signature and switch back to the origin signature or by changing the sender address and go back to the origin in the from field. Only with Chrome browser the shown mail address is always the right one.

When answering to mails the signature always shows the correct sender address in all browsers.

This isn't a really new issue but SmarterTools didn't solve it yet and I want to remember to this issue in the hope of getting it solved now.

Kind Regards.

3 Replies

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Stefan Mössner Replied
Hi all,

it looks like Build 7845 solved this issue. I think, it's related to this point in the release notes (Release Notes and Version History (smartertools.com)):

"Fixed: User email signature may change before the Froala editor is fully loaded."

Can anyone confirm this?

Kind Regards.
Stefan Mössner Replied
Hi all,

today I see the issue again. For a new mail the mail address isn't set correctly in the signature. For a second new mail there's no issue.

Kind Regards.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Stefan, 

I want to let you know that this issue with new emails has been addressed in Build 7852 which is available for download here: 

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