backscatter in my logs from ebay. Can someone explain
Question asked by Marc Frega - 6/1/2021 at 2:05 PM
Can anyone tell me if this means the mail would be rejected? Im not getting emails from ebay to my server.

[2021.06.01] 16:38:45.858 [][37002957] cmd: MAIL From:ebay@ebay.com SIZE=249924
[2021.06.01] 16:38:45.858 [][37002957] senderEmail(1): ebay@ebay.com parsed using: ebay@ebay.com
[2021.06.01] 16:39:15.126 [][37002957] disconnected at 6/1/2021 4:39:15 PM
[2021.06.01] 16:39:24.392 [][37002957] rsp: 250 OK ebay@ebay.com Sender ok
[2021.06.01] 16:39:24.392 [][37002957] Sender accepted. Weight: 5. Block threshold: 50. Failed checks: Backscatter (5,failed)

3 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Marc. This actually looks to be a timeout while we're performing the spam checks and RDNS checks. You can see that because they went ahead and disconnected before we responded with the RDNS check findings. To correct that you can try implementing the following DNS servers, and eliminating any RBL/URIBL lists (Settings>Antispam>RBLs/URIBLs):

With those implemented, you should find these delays clear up and these emails should then deliver successfully. Please don't hesitate to submit a ticket with us on this if you need a hand, but I think that should do it!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Just a quick follow-up on this post (I'll allow Marc to confirm though!) Per my contact on this case we found the Ebay messages were failing delivery due to delays on the RBL/URIBL lists which caused long delays during the Spam Checks portion of the delivery.

To resolve this Marc disabled the ones showing longer delays under Settings>Antispam>RBLs/URIBLs based on the Average Time column. For future reference, anything over 1000Ms or so should be investigated and/or disabled for Spool and SMTP Blocking to avoid delivery delays and failures. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Marc Frega Replied
yes some of my rbls were 5 digit delays. I killed anything over like 1000.  like 5 ot 6 of them.

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