2 or more MAPI Connections for same Account?
Question asked by Tim DeMeza - 10/27/2020 at 6:02 AM
So I have been running MAPI for a while.  It seems as though it is finally pretty stable.  

Original connection is from my Desktop.

My issue is that I decided to connect my Laptop via MAPI as well. This does not seem to work at all.  The folder structure populates, but no email at all.  Nothing syncs.  I just see the message "This folder was last updated at 8:58am", etc.  

I then went to my settings/connectivity tab and I only see 1 entry for Outlook.  I would have expected to see 2 entries here.  

Is this not feasible?  Do I need to use another connectivity method for a different device?  It almost seems like SmarterMail does not differentiate the Outlook/Machine/Device that is attempting to connect for MAPI.

Any help is appreciated as this would be preferred for myself and many of my users.


3 Replies

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Stefano Replied
Hi Tim,

I've installed my MAPI account on my 2 laptops and they are working well.
I've got just one entry under CONNECTIVITY.
You should try with a new profile of Outlook.
Tim DeMeza Replied
I have created the profile 5 times this morning.  Probably need a support ticket.  

Thanks for confirming it works.

Employee Replied
Employee Post
@Tim and @Stefano, EWS and MAPI connections are agnostics--they do not provide any specific client information. This is why there is only ever one EWS or MAPI connection listed.  The clients have a known state that they transfer to the server which lets the server know which content to add, update, or remove.

@Tim, I recommend you open a support ticket to troubleshot the connection issue with your other device.

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