Printing Error
Problem reported by David Bartholomew - 9/30/2020 at 1:06 PM
Version/Build: SmarterMail Enterprise, Build 7544 (Aug 27, 2020)

When printing email messages some users are getting several blank pages and the full content of the message is not printed.   The print output shows clearly the header at the top of page one, then blank page to page two, content starts wraps up often with one more blank page at the end. 

I did some troubleshooting and the issue appears to only be on incoming messages regardless of their origination (internal/external/Outlook, or not).  
After replying to the messages that don't print correctly the new “sent items” message prints normally. I have a video link that shows all of this visually, but because it has real-customer information etc I would not like to post it publicly here in the forum. 

8 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello David. I've reviewed your issue report here, and believe this might be stemming from the content coming in through these accounts. Because the message prints correctly when replied to, this might indicate SmarterMail has rewritten the EML content and rectified the issue on send. Additionally, the print functionality in SmarterMail is handled using the browser's default print functionality/dialogs. As such, this might also be affected by the print setup on the individual client machines as well. Can I have you submit a support ticket on this one so we can take a closer look at this for you?
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Stefano Replied
Hi Kyle, I've already opened a ticket quite a month ago [1E1-26EBD226-0B2E] but I'm still waiting for resolution.
I hope it will come in few days, because it's another annoying things for users.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello David, Stefano, 

This issue has been addressed by development, and the resolution will be available in the next release of SmarterMail. If you would like a custom build that contains the resolution, please submit a ticket to the Support Department. 

Thank you,
digital.iway Replied
I also have clients reporting this issue and I am running Build 7593 (Oct 15, 2020)

Printing emails from the users inbox will page break after the message header and print the body on the second page.  This is only some users not all and on different domains not consistent.

Printing any email from the sent items will format and print correctly as mentioned above.

I will open a ticket as well.

Stefano Replied
With the latest build, it seems solved ;)
Stefano Replied
Bad news, it has been solved for some messages, I'm still having this problem for other messages like forwared ones.
Could you please solve it once and for all?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Stefano, open a support ticket so we can get a copy of those messages. Without sample messages causing exceptions it's VERY difficult to troubleshooting and account for all scenarios.
Stefano Replied
I've already open two months ago, I hoped that the latest build had solved it as written in the changelog...

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