Since latest update which contains this modification:
Added: Server-side language support for all protocols. (Only Thunderbird and Outlook for Windows will show translated folder names using IMAP; "Inbox" is not translated.)
Our customers on OSX that have their webmail language set to French can't delete mails from their mail client (Mail on OSX with IMAP).
I was able to reproducte the issue by configuring an account onMac Mail.
- First with the webmail set to english. In this case I can delete a message from Mac Mail.
- Then when I switch the webmail to french and restart Mac Mail, it can't delete mails any more.
It's strange because in the settings it seems to show that it detected the correct folder after the language change.
It's the same problem if I try to move a mail from the inbox to junk mail, or to sent items.
Note bis:
It's seems it's specific to french. Changing the mailbox to Deutsch (german) for example, does not produce this issue.
Note 3rd:
It's the same with emClient. An account configured with IMAP with the webmail language set to french, no other special folder othen than inbox can be accessed.
Note 4:
Also with french, german, the Draft folder is not detected anymore and disappear.
As conclusion I would say that the french folders translation with IMAP is completly broken, and on a more global scale the Draft folder is broken (at least for french, german).
Please is it possible to stop breaking something every update ? This is supposed to be production ready releases, not a constant beta branch,..