Welcome the NEW SmarterMail!
Announcement by Derek Curtis - 6/3/2020 at 7:12 PM
Locked Employee Post
We are very pleased to announce that the latest, and easily the greatest, version of SmarterMail is NOW AVAILABLE to the public!

We've said it before, but it bears repeating: This is the largest, most tested, most sweated over and most discussed version of SmarterMail we’ve ever released. The final result is a version of SmarterMail that truly earns the title of "THE alternative to Microsoft Exchange." With this release, SmarterMail now has all the features of Exchange, PLUS additional features such as Team Workspaces and Group Chat that Exchange doesn’t offer, all at a fraction of the price of our competitors. It's been a long time coming, but the wait is well worth it.

We want to whole-heartedly thank everyone who has participated in the BETA, especially those people who provided valuable insight, suggestions and bug reports so that we could build the best version of SmarterMail possible.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Customers installing the public release, especially those who've been participating in the BETA for the last year, will want to make sure they thoroughly replace their MAPI accounts in Outlook after upgrading. Doing this will ensure you're connecting with the most recent fixes and performance upgrades available with this release. If you're unsure how to do this, we have this knowledge base article that walks you through the process: Thoroughly Replacing Your MAPI Account in Outlook

The new version is available to download from the SmarterMail Downloads page of our website. And if you have the time, you can review the extensive Release Notes
Derek Curtis
SmarterTools Inc.

41 Replies

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Congrats to everyone at SmarterTools for all the hard work in getting the latest SmarterMail out of beta and into production!
Congrats on the hard work! Does the prod build support rules in outlook from the server when in exchange mode? 
Very pleased to see this release - good work!

Time to try MAPI again. 
Congrats SmarterTools team!!! Great work!!
Linda Pagillo Mail's Best Friend Email: linda.pagillo@mailsbestfriend.com Web: www.mailsbestfriend.com Authorized SmarterTools Reseller Authorized Message Sniffer Reseller
And then "the" question :) does it support Declude out of the box?
Question in regards to MAPI now that it's production.  On all the beta releases, it was said that when installing a new release customers would have to recreate their connections.  So if we start using MAPI and we install a new build for Smartermail in the future, is it expected they will have to recreate accounts again or should they be good to go moving forward?
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post

We made a lot of changes during the BETA, which is what precipitated the need to remove and re-add. Once you do it with the public release, you shouldn't have to with any successive updates. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Thanks to the SmarterTools-Team: Over the last two years there was much work for you to get MAPI up and running - especially for your dev-team and support-team to troubleshoot beta issues.

Please keep up the good contact/work together with the community, and continue to release updates more frequently, for example you could use two branches - "stable" and "beta".
Nơw you beat Microsoft Exchange features.
Next phase will be UX and Gmail.

Good luck!!!
Absolutely fantastic news SmarterTools - Looking forward to getting this up and running this weekend!
This seems the many fixed point since SM exist.

Congrats SmarterTools team!!! Great work!!
Congratulations SmarterTools!

Please let us know which Outlook versions (build numbers) are currently supported by MAPI, so that we can inform our customers accordingly.
Congratulations Smarter Tools Team
good luck

Awesome work! Congratulation to all SmarterTools Team! 
Hey everyone. If you are using Declude and SmarterMail, please hold off on upgrading to SM version 7459. We have discovered an issue and are working towards a resolution. We will provide an update as soon as we can.
Linda Pagillo Mail's Best Friend Email: linda.pagillo@mailsbestfriend.com Web: www.mailsbestfriend.com Authorized SmarterTools Reseller Authorized Message Sniffer Reseller
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Rather than holding off on the upgrade, I'd suggest upgrading but holding off on enabling Declude until things get worked out. You can always start trials of MessageSniffer and/or Cyren in the interim. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Yes... Cause Declude *new version* is who knows how far off :)
Thanks for chiming in Derek. We agree that if you only use Declude for anti-spam and have no option other than to upgrade SM at this time, Message Sniffer and Cyren are still good choices. However, if anyone uses Declude for any of its other features such as message routing, managing email flow, hijack prevention, custom filters, etc, Declude will not work with the latest build until we can resolve the issue.
Linda Pagillo Mail's Best Friend Email: linda.pagillo@mailsbestfriend.com Web: www.mailsbestfriend.com Authorized SmarterTools Reseller Authorized Message Sniffer Reseller
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Got it, Linda. Thanks for pointing that out. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Thank you very much SM team! This must be a very happy day for you guys as it is for us :)
We are happy to announce that we have identified the problem between Declude and the newest SmarterMail version 7459. We have been working closely with SmarterTools and they have been extremely helpful with resolving this issue for us. They have created a custom build to fix the issue. We have tested the custom build and confirmed that it works. SmarterTools plans to release the fix in an upcoming build. If you need this custom build immediately, please reach out to us at support@mailsbestfriend.com and we will send you the link (not sure if I'm allowed to post it here?). A huge thanks to the SmarterTools team for having a great product and being such a responsive technology partner!
Linda Pagillo Mail's Best Friend Email: linda.pagillo@mailsbestfriend.com Web: www.mailsbestfriend.com Authorized SmarterTools Reseller Authorized Message Sniffer Reseller
How's the next version of Declude coming?
DR (Declude Reboot) is coming along great! We are in Alpha testing at this time.
Linda Pagillo Mail's Best Friend Email: linda.pagillo@mailsbestfriend.com Web: www.mailsbestfriend.com Authorized SmarterTools Reseller Authorized Message Sniffer Reseller
It's too bad that this release is marred by the FORCED message reading/preview pane. In the old version, this could be turned off. Not any more.Instead of allowing a more condensed display, SmarterMail (?) now sucks up half of the screen real estate with a dangerous reading pane that can't be turned off. This reading pane opens up a HUGE security hole. To make matters worse, when I opened my mail this morning, I was greeted by a very explicit porno spam message that made it passed the filters. It's just how I wanted to start my day.... NOT.

If SmarterTools cares, they will immediately patch SmarterMail to give us back the option to turn off the reading pane.

And while your're at it, allow a condensed message list that only uses one line per message,not the equivalent of four lines.

Just to be clear how bad this change is, I have been informed by a long time client that they are searching for a new provider because of the forced reading pane. And, I am not alone. See https://portal.smartertools.com/community/a93257/preview-pane-in-build-7459.aspx#127970 for a growing list of complaints being ignored by SmarterTools staff.
You are absolutely right, Rick Moses, you cannot disable the display panel on the big security and dissatisfaction problems with our customers, we are thinking about looking for another email solution.
And Smartertools still ignores our community:
That shouldnt be forced, it should be an option. Why forcing something SM?
Looking forward very much to giving this new version a go.

As an intensive user of the Mailing Lists feature, I am curious to know if any changes have been made to Mailing Lists.

Thank you, SmarterTools.

best from Eric
Looking forward to try this out. Like Eric above I am also using Mailing lists regularly and just hope Mailing lists is working just as it used to or if any new changes have been implemented there as well.
Hi Derek
I have client and they have a subscription to Outlook 365. So they downloaded Outlook from their subscription. We have tried to configure this version of Outlook 2019 to connect to my Smartermail server over MAPI and EAS, both work for about 10 minutes then fail. At some point, the Outlook tried to log in to Microsoft? So the install of Outlook is disregarding the DNS MX records and tries to log in to outlook.com instead. At this point, emails pile up in the outbox. The calendar stops working. 

Question: Is this a known issue? Will only the Outlook Stand Alone version work with Smartermail MAPI? Is there a setting in Windows 10 with will allow the office 365 download to work with Smartermail?
J. Sebastian Lee Service2Client LLC 6333 E Mockingbird Ste 147 Dallas, TX 75214 - 877.251.3273
DWORD: ExcludeExplicitO365Endpoint
Value = 1
This fixes your above issue.
J Lee, we have the same issue, but only with email addresses that have been set up at Microsoft with our own domain. What I mean is the fact that in the past Microsoft would allow you to use your own email address as the Outlook.com account (for example Name.Surname@myVeryOwnDomain.com) - that is what we would log in to Outlook.com with. Now, for such accounts, MS Outlook simply cannot work with SM over MAPI. While you can do away with the login to live.com modals with these registry keys:
DWORD: ExcludeExplicitO365Endpoint
Value = 1
DWORD(32): PreferLocalXML
Value = 1
DWORD(32): ExcludeHttpsRootDomain
Value = 1
reboot after setting them
the moment you try to send an email, it will fail and there is no way send them. You can retrieve mails, move them in folders, mark as read and flag - all of these sync back; but we cannot send. 
Emails that never had an account with microsoft (so these emails are unique to the domain Smartermail serves) work perfectly so far via MAPI. I would guess it`s the same situation if you previously had Office365 for your domain.
We have a ticket opened on this matter with SM, but have no time to deal with it at the moment; let us know if you find a way to send the emails even if you had Office365 for your domain in the past.

Hi guys, we are experiencing a problem similar to J Lee described above, but only with Outlook Calendar.

I have client and they have a subscription to Outlook 365. So they downloaded Outlook from their subscription. We have tried to configure this version of Outlook 2019 to connect to our Smartermail server over MAPI.

For the emails, all seems to working normally, and seems to stay in sync, but when we try to add an event in the Calendar, Outlook is crashing. They tested it with two different computers and exactly the same problem. I tried one of these same accounts on my own Outlook (Office 2019 Standalone Version) and everything is working fine on my end.

Is any registry tweaking should resolve this problem too?

Thank you in advance for your help,


Hi All

Thanks for the feedback. 
I'm assuming that Office365 Outlook, that is downloaded, also updates periodically and might wipe those registry entries when updating. 
What do you all think, have you successfully updated this verision of Outlook and had it not break.
J. Sebastian Lee Service2Client LLC 6333 E Mockingbird Ste 147 Dallas, TX 75214 - 877.251.3273
The registry keys remain the same regardless of Outlook updating itself, except that for different versions a slightly different path might be needed.
We have tested both the Outlook from the Office365 subscription, as well as Outlook from the following stand-alone products: Office Home&Business 2016 and Office Pro Plus 2019.

It makes no difference, the behavior is the same: all syncing works OK except that we cannot send emails (anything you send will remain stuck indefinitely in Outlook`s Outbox folder).

Again, for the accounts that were never involved with Microsoft, there are no issues.
For those having trouble getting Outlook to connect to SM via MAPI, it is probably an autodiscovery issue.  If you find that you need to exclude Office365 using a registry key, then you probably don't have autodiscover setup right.

In DNS, be sure you have mail.domain.com and autodiscover.domain.com setup to the mail server.  Also be sure to setup the _autodiscover._tcp.domain.com SRV record.

On the mail server, be sure to setup IIS with both http and https bindings for both mail.domain.com and autodiscover.domain.com, both pointing to your mail server IP.  Be sure both have a valid certificate assigned.

I am using the very latest Outlook (Outlook for Microsoft 365 16.0.13231.20372 64-bit), and I update it every month.  No issues on many computers.  In fact, the MAPI connection has been fairly bulletproof.

I also have an Office365 account using the same exact e-mail address that is on our SM server, and there are no problems with Outlook trying to connect to Office365.  I do not have any registry entries set for anything.  Stock Outlook.

The only thing I'm having trouble with is Outlook on Android with an EAS (ActiveSync) connection, but according to SmarterTools support, there are known bugs that they have filed with Microsoft.  Thus far there is no progress on fixing them, so I'm forced to use GMail on Android.  (Ugh.)
In DNS, be sure you have mail.domain.com and autodiscover.domain.com setup to the mail server.  Also be sure to setup the _autodiscover._tcp.domain.com SRV record.
Hi Speednet, the problem of creating mail.domain.ext and autodiscover.domain.ext is the SSL certificate.
It's so hard do have it on every domain that will use MAPI.
It's not hard to setup certificates if you use win-acme to configure Let's Encrypt certs.  It's so easy that you'll wonder why you didn't do it before.  First setup your bindings using any cert that is on the server.  Then use win-acme to create and assign certificates for the bindings.  The software automatically handles all the plumbing and scheduling for renewing the certificates as needed.  "It's so easy a caveman could do it."
I'm worse than a caveman, have you got a guide for it? 
  1. Go to the win-acme website: https://www.win-acme.com/
  2. From the top menu, select Download > 64-bit Trimmed
  3. On the SmarterMail server, create a folder C:\win-acme
  4. Unzip the contents you downloaded in step 2 into the C:\win-acme folder
  5. When you're ready to create certificates (i.e., your https bindings are already created in IIS using whatever certificate is available on the server), run wacs.exe in the C:\win-acme folder
  6. Use the first option ("N") to create your certificates
You can take it from there.  The program prompts you for everything in creating the certificates, but of course visit the win-acme website referenced above for full documentation.

The renewals for the certificates created are automatically handled.  To have them automatically renew when needed, you don't need to do anything.  If you ever want to remove the renewal process for any of the certificates, you can find the option for managing renewals in the main menu of the wacs.exe program.
WHOOO HOOOO !!!  I got the email this morning about a new version of Smarter Mail.

Where is the online demo ?  I cant seem to find it.

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SmarterMail Enterprise
Build 7619 (Nov 10, 2020)

I can vouch that Thunderbird  78.4.3 (32-bit)  works over IMAP, including sending signatures via HTML signature settings. which include images,  (using webclient - images appear in signatures to other webclients, but NOT in outlook)  Thunderbird seems to send the html code correctly  so even outlook can render the signature properly.

- you can can create subfolders using thunderbird.
- you can send / receive emails using thunderbird.
- you can move emails to subfolders using thunderbird
- you can create folders under root using thunderbird, (DO NOT USE SPECIAL CHARACTERS)
- you can rename folders (DO NOT USE SPECIAL CHARACTERS )
- you can delete folders / emails
  - Uppercase letters in webmail folders - may appear as lowercase in thunderbird (do not know why)
    for example IT Support  in webmail  shows up as it support in thunderbird. (do not try to rename, breaks!)
Edited :  Using Caldav, you can sync calendars with thunderbird.

YOU cannot rename folders using special characters, causing issues (DO NOT USE SPECIAL CHARACTERS)

Thats all i have for now.