Message on Appearrv site - trademark infringement
Problem reported by Rick Eidson - 3/27/2020 at 10:31 AM
In team workspace when launching the video conference the Appear website displays the following.

Due to trademark infringement of our property, the video conferencing previously offered on this site is no longer available.

I am running v16 Enterprise and hosted on a VPS at Hostek... I have submitted a ticket to them but haven't heard back.

5 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Rick, this is likely due to the fact that we've since removed the appear.in video conferencing functionality in favor of a different solution. This was due to appear.in changing how their service offering worked, and is likely the root cause behind this message. My recommendation would be to seek an upgrade with your hosting provider to get you up and running on our latest release which includes a whole slew of new features! 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Rick Eidson Replied
I will pass this along to Hostek...  Will the license I have for 16 get me the update?

Rick Eidson Replied
The upgrade worked and no longer being directed to Appear.  BUT   the only browser I can get to work in MS Edge.  Chrome, Chrome Canary or firefox all return "Sorry, your browser doesn't support video conferencing.

I have searched the knowledge base and the community for this and returned nothing of relevance. 

Sébastien Riccio Replied
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Rick, ensure that your SmarterMail URL is using HTTPS and has a valid SSL certificate.  Most browsers disabled any camera or audio support in HTTP websites.

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