DKIM oversigning?
Question asked by Aaron Neff - 3/16/2020 at 2:31 AM
Hi SmarterTools,

Does SmarterMail oversign header fields during DKIM email signing (ex: to oversign non-repeatable fields like 'From')? If so, which version(s)? If not, could an Enhancement Request please be filed to allow this option?

INFORMATIVE NOTE: A header field name need only be listed once more than the actual number of that header field in a message at the time of signing in order to prevent any further additions.


2 Replies

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Aaron Neff Replied
In SmarterMail's UI, w/ DKIM "Header fields to Use" set to "All fields specified", can DKIM oversigning be achieved by duplicating the values w/in the "Header Fields" textarea?
Aaron Neff Replied
Hi SmarterTools,

Do my questions require a support ticket? Please advise.

1) Does SmarterMail oversign header fields during DKIM email signing?
2) In SmarterMail's UI, w/ DKIM "Header fields to Use" set to "All fields specified", is DKIM oversigning achieved by duplicating the values w/in the "Header Fields" textarea? (ex: including 'from' 3x, would oversign 'from' twice)
3) If either #1 or #2 is yes, which version introduced the behavior?
4) If either #1 or #2 is no, could an Enhancement Request please be filed to allow the option?


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