I probably should have added the number changes, here are the last few that came in:
[2020.03.10] 20:13:56.840 [][40680564] cmd: MAIL FROM: <{%FROMNAME%}061@me.com>
[2020.03.10] 20:13:56.855 [][40680564] senderEmail(1): {%FROMNAME%}061@me.com parsed using: <{%FROMNAME%}061@me.com>
20:15:12.407 [][16166550] cmd: MAIL FROM: <{%FROMNAME%}087@icloud.com>
[2020.03.10] 20:15:12.423 [][16166550] senderEmail(1): {%FROMNAME%}087@icloud.com parsed using: <{%FROMNAME%}087@icloud.com>
[2020.03.10] 20:16:18.465 [][50386608] cmd: MAIL FROM: <{%FROMNAME%}216@icloud.com>
What I noticed if I look at the header of an email that was successful, it shows up as something like serge061
Its only in the SMTP logs after that it turns into a real looking email address
I will try something in my header for the first part, can I do a * for the number?