We are having a problem with sending an email to Orange server. The Orange server answers us: Service refused, please try later. OFR_108; (This is not a surprise, we know this issue) On Smartermail, the "Intervals between each test" parameter is configured as follows: 4, 15, 30, 60, 90 We can verify that it does this delay up to 60 minutes. First Exchange : 14:13:42.866 [35442] Delivery started for hebergement@kardol.fr (via bypass) at 14:13:42 Last Exchange : [2020.02.13] 16:04:18.477 [35442] RSP: 421 mwinf5c80 ME Service refuse. Veuillez essayer plus tard. Service refused, please try later. OFR_108; [108] [2020.02.13] 16:04:18.477 [35442] CMD: QUIT [2020.02.13] 16:04:23.493 [35442] Attempt to ip, '' success: 'False' [2020.02.13] 16:04:23.493 [35442] Delivery for hebergement@kardol.fr to xxx.yyy@orange.fr has bounced. Reason: Remote host said: 601 Attempted to send the message to the following IPs: [2020.02.13], [35442] DSN email written to -861623333391 with status failed to xxx.yyy@orange.fr [2020.02.13] 16:04:23.493 [35442] Delivery for hebergement@kardol.fr to xxx.yyy@orange.fr has completed (Bounced) [2020.02.13] 16:04:23.493 [35442] Removed from RemoteDeliveryQueue (5 queued or processing) [2020.02.13] 16:04:25.805 [35442] Removing Spool message: Killed: False, Failed: False, Finished: True [2020.02.13] 16:04:25.805 [35442] Delivery finished for hebergement@kardol.fr at 16:04:25 [id:-861623335442] On the other hand, just one second after the attempt of the 60Minutes of waiting, the logs changes and indicates us at the same time a sending and a bounce 16:04:23.493 [35442] Delivery for hebergement@kardol.fr to alain.gaudiau@orange.fr has completed (Bounced) 16:04:25.805 [35442] Delivery finished for hebergement@kardol.fr at 16:04:25 [id:-861623335442] We use the SmarterMail Enterprise Version - 100.0.7053. Why is the 90 minute attempt not executed? Why is the email marked both delivery and bounce?
We did not receive any bounce mail on the address hebergement@kardol.fr Can you help us understand what's going on. Best Regards,
Yes I agree with that, we plan to update very soon. However, is this a known bug? Why did the server decide to do something other than resend the email 90 minutes later? In the event of a new failure, the server should send us a non-deliverability email, we have no trace of a return email in the logs.
Best Regards,
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