I'm seeing the headers of email truncated within Outlook. Some emails show they have attachment (within Outlook only) when one does not exist.
Example headers from Outlook/Webmail are below. Please note, I've only incuded the last couple of lines.
From Outlook:
X-SES-Outgoing: 2020.01.13-
Feedback-ID: 1.us-west-2.y6QwmHxRan9H/ToH5RgeuID+qpRViMiKhV2TujAVj0o=:AmazonSES
From Webmail:
X-SES-Outgoing: 2020.01.13-
Feedback-ID: 1.us-west-2.y6QwmHxRan9H/ToH5RgeuID+qpRViMiKhV2TujAVj0o=:AmazonSES
X-SmarterMail-Spam: Cyren [Unknown]: 0, Message Sniffer [code:0]: 0, SPF [Pass]: 0, DKIM [Pass]: 0, UCEProtect Level 3: 5
X-CTCH-RefId: str=0001.0A0B020C.5E1C3DF0.0009:SCFSTAT56624572,ss=1,re=-4.000,recu=0.000,reip=0.000,cl=1,cld=1,fgs=0
X-MessageSniffer-ResultCode: 0
X-SmarterMail-TotalSpamWeight: 5