Reports: Disk space overused by users
Question asked by ram - 10/26/2019 at 7:57 AM
How I can see the users with disk space overused?

3 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer

As a domain admin, go to the Domain Reports (the Reports icon that also includes the gear). If you go to Disk Usage, you'll see a list of accounts and their disk space usage. You can sort the columns by clicking on them. The Percent of Total column should show you what you need, or even the Disk Usage, which you can compare to the Disk Space Limit. 

That's really the best way to see them: go in as the Domain Admin, or impersonate the Domain Admin for a domain. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
ram Replied
Thank you but this option is not allowed for admin panel?

I want see overuse from all users account not by domain admin.

Is it possible?
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post

The sys admin is for managing the server as a whole. Domain admins are responsible for users...so the system admin side has few ways you can get user data (e.g., set up a system even to notify you if users are nearing disk space limits based on a % of usage or exporting all users and checking their usage via spreadsheet). However, that's not really your job as a system admin. Really, as the system admin you can keep track of usage -- the use of an Event is probably the best way -- but your main concern is overall disk usage. You do this via the dashboard and Server Health reports, as an example. YOU should keep track of the overall space available on the server -- the domain admin should keep track of their users and individual disk space usage. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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