SmarterMail - Wrong mail address in signature and no appointment reminder
Problem reported by Stefan Mössner - 9/22/2019 at 7:11 AM
Hi all,

in the past days I found out that there are two issues with SmarterMail. I have installed build 7188 as free edition.

  1. I'm using domain wide signatures which contains the sending mail address. But when writing new mails the sending address in the signature isn't set correct. Instead of my GMX address the internal mail address is set. I have to change the sending mail address to another setting and back to the GMX address so that the mail address in the signature is the right one.
  2. I have a shared calender with birthdays which are set to send an appointment reminder as mail. This doesn't work any more.
Any ideas how to solve this issues? Thank you.

Kind Regards.

18 Replies

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Stefan Mössner Replied
Hi all,

can no one confirm this issues or has a solution for this?

Regarding the signatures it's very strange: Sometimes the address is set correct, sometimes not. But I didn't find a way to reproduce the issue.

Thank you.
Stefan Mössner Replied
Hi all,

the issues still persist. What can I do?

Kind Regards.
Employee Replied
Employee Post

If your SmarterMail license key has active Maintenance and Support, your best bet would be to submit a support ticket for this so that one of our technicians can take a closer look and help you troubleshoot. 
Stefan Mössner Replied

as written in the first comment, I have installed SmarterMail as free edition. Today I updated to build 7236. I will see if there's a change regarding these issues.

Kind Regards.
Stefan Mössner Replied
Hi all,

the issue with the wrong mail address in the signature is still there. I don't know if the appointment issue is solved because actually there's no appiontment.

And with build 7236 there's a new issue: If I'm using my Android based mobile phone with Edge browser then accessing a mail folder results always in opening the first mail in this folder instead of showing the folder with the mail listing. This doesn't happen when using my Windows 10 tablet with the Edge browser.

Kind Regards.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Stefan,

For the sending address in signatures, do you have your GMX address configured as an SMTP account?  And on the user account in Settings > Account > Webmail, do you have the GMX account set as the "Default From Address"?  Do you see this happening on new emails, email replies, or both?  Can you provide some troubleshooting steps for this, including what settings you have configured, the process you go through sending an email when you see the issue occur, and what browser you are using?
Stefan Mössner Replied
Hi Emily,

yes, the GMX account is configured as SMTP account in SmarterMail and it set as "Default From Address".

Always when writing a new mail the GMX account is correctly chosen in the from field but in the signature, the address isn't correct.

There are two possible workarounds to solve the issue:

  1. I have to change the from field twice to have the correct address in the signature by changing to another from address i. e. of the internal mail account and switch back to the GMX account.
  2. Switching to another signature and switching back to the default signature.
When replying or forwarding a mail the address in the signature is always the right one.

I'm using Microsoft Edge browser on Windows 10 and Android. The issue is reproducable on both platforms.

Kind Regards.
Employee Replied
Employee Post

I did some testing and was able to confirm this is a bug.  I'll get this reported to the develpers and have changed the thread to "Known".
Stefan Mössner Replied
Hi Emily,

thank you.

But there isn't only one bug. There are two more bugs as written earlier:

  1. With build 7236 there's a new issue: If I'm using a mobile phone with different web browsers then accessing a mail folder results always in opening the first mail in this folder instead of showing the folder with the mail listing. And the mails won't be marked as read when they are opened this way. This doesn't happen when using a computer with Windows 10.
  2. I have a shared calender with birthdays which are set to send an appointment reminder as mail. This doesn't work any more.
Kind Regards.
Stefan Mössner Replied
Hello all,

it's good to see that there's now a new version available :-). I installed build 7459.

But it looks like the old issues aren't resolved :-(

  1. Writing new mails show the wrong mail address in the signature. You have to select another mail address or signature and then go back to the correct address or signature to see the signature as it should be.
  2. All birthdays in my public calendar aren't shown and there are no more reminder for these events.
Kind Regards.
Stefan Mössner Replied
Hello all,

regarding issue #2 I found out that the calendar cleanup was set to 12 months by a domain wide setting. I now set this to "Never". After this I had to open all birthday appointments in the list of all appointments, change something and save them. Now I see the dates in the calendar view. Hopefully the reminder will now work again. Next week there should be a reminder for a birthday.

But I don't see the reminder settings for these appointments. I can set new reminders but where are the old settings? Do I have to go to all appointments, re-assign the attendees and the time span to be reminded again?

For your information: All my findings are regarding the webmail UI. And I'm using the free edition of SmarterMail.

Kind Regards.
Stefan Mössner Replied
Hello all,

the reminder for appointments still doesn't work. It looks like it wasn't enough to delete the calendar cleanup and to open all appointments and save them once again.

So the questions are still: I can set new reminders but where are the old settings? Do I have to go to all appointments, re-assign the attendees and the time span to be reminded again?

I reported these 2 issues at the end of September 2019 and SmarterTools confirmed the signature issue as known bug but there were no fixes in the last releases until November and in the new release of SmarterMail there's still no fix for this. And regarding the calendar issue I don't get any information. Instead there's a new bugs with the calendar, see https://portal.smartertools.com/community/a93255/smartermail-build-7459-some-bugs.aspx, bug #2 and #3.

This is very disappointing, SmarterTools.

Kind Regards.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Stefan, can you please open separate support tickets (if you haven't already) for the following as this will facilitate issue tracking:

  1. Wrong email address in signature
  2. Events or appointments for the whole day aren't saved with the start and end of the day of the event. They are saved with start and end one day before. But in the calendar you see them located at the correct day.
  3. The list of all events or appointments sometimes doesn't show the correct items for the selected page. You first have to switch to another page to refresh the view.  
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post

Also, please note that email notifications for appointments are only sent to the calendar owner. Email notifications are not supported for appointments on shared calendars.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Stefan Mössner Replied
Andrew, Robert,

thank you for your answers. I'm using the free edition so I can't open support tickets.

Email notifications for appointments on shared calendars worked in the releases I think before 7188. Why is this not supported any more? And what about the reminders that I can set in the appointments? How do they work? Do I have to set the attendees and they will get an email or how will they be reminded?

And I have to disagree: The calendar owner never got an email notification. I logged in to the account with the shared calendar and there are no mails. And the notification icon in right upper corner shows reminders but if you click on it you see that this only worked until May 2019.

Kind Regards.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
On Sept 5, 2018 (it would have been in the first release of SM17 Build 6911), we removed the functionality for email reminders to be sent to attendees; only the creator/organizer of the event receives email notifications. To that end, we also removed the email reminder field from the web interface, leaving only the toggle switch to send that email notification.
Stefan Mössner Replied
Hello SmarterTools,

when will this bug be fixed:

  1. I'm using domain wide signatures which contains the sending mail address. But when writing new mails the sending address in the signature isn't set correct. Instead of my GMX address the internal mail address is set. I have to change the sending mail address to another setting and back to the GMX address so that the mail address in the signature is the right one.
I reported this issue one year ago and it isn't solved yet!

Kind Regards.
Stefan Mössner Replied

please bring back the mail reminder to attendees of an appointment. The popup in the browser isn't enough. I look regularly in my mailbox but I'm not online all the time. So the popup reminder will not be helpful for me. A mail reminder will be better for not forgetting birthdays saved in a shared calender.

And the issue with the signatures is still present :-(. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I can't find an always reproduceable way for this issue. Emily confirmed this as a bug las October! When will this be solved?

Kind Regards.

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