Outgoing Gateway "Jumping"
Question asked by John Marx - 8/31/2019 at 5:58 AM
We have one domain out of over a hundred that is jumping. Every domain has it's own outbound gateway assigned. This one domain is using everyone else's gateway, including their own. What would cause this and more importantly how can I fix it so it uses the proper gateway?

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John Marx Replied
Marked As Answer
You ask and then continue to do digging as you know it's the weekend. In the outbound gateway I had two of the domains set to "Round Robin". These must be set to "Specific Domains" and then your problem goes away. RTFM seems to work well. :)
Hi John

Could to know that you have solved your problem :)

Just out of curiosity: Who are you using as your Outbound Gateway?

We also use the same setup as you (one gateway for one domain) but our SMTP Relay is quite expensive.

Please let me know, many thanks,


John Marx Replied
We utilize Mailgun as our outbound gateway. We tried Sendgrid and we found the pricing to be higher and also they were charging us extra for certain things where Mailgun hasn't. We pay $79 for 100,000 outbound emails. We are under that so it works well for us for our 100 some domains.
Hi John

I am sorry but it seems that I missed your post.

We have been using several providers and settled right now on Postmark where have opened individual accounts for our clients to login and see there statistics, details etc..

But what we are really looking for is a white-label or reseller option.

Within Mailgun, do you have sub-accounts or are just sending all emails through one account?

Can your clients login and see only their statistics and details?

All the best,

John Marx Replied

I know you can assign users but I don't think you can assign to individual domains. We have are 100+ all under one account and it we that maintain everything for our clients. If you want them to maintain I am not sure but they are very willing to add features. We asked for some and within a month they got it to us. The rest we are just using the API which allows us around every issue. Including one like this.

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