Can't upload attachments in webmail (v8.2)
Problem reported by Smarterfan - 8/12/2019 at 1:10 PM
Hello all,

Suddenly users are unable to add attachments to outgoing emails when using the webmail on our old v8.2 SM (we are in the process of migrating them to our v16.x but it takes time).  I've taken all steps on https://portal.smartertools.com/kb/a3215/cannot-add-attachments-using-the-smartermail-web-interface.aspx and didn't have any of the issues suggested there.  As well, self diagnostics shows no issues.

Any help will be appreciated?

5 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Smarterfan! I'd recommend checking the folder permissions of the SmarterMail MRS directory to ensure SmarterMail can write to the attachments/uploads directories. Things are a little different in how we access things in current versions compared to where you're at now, but if you're running this as an IIS site you'll want to make sure that identity associated with the SmarterMail application pool has full control over that MRS folder.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Smarterfan Replied
Tried your suggestion, no change.  Anything else I can try?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Smarterfan,

You may want to try upgrading to at least the latest minor version of 8.x, which is 8.4.4359.  See if an upgrade helps.
Smarterfan Replied
Ok... any significant risks associated with that move?  
Employee Replied
Employee Post
There are no risks with doing this minor upgrade that I'm aware of.  Of course even with a minor upgrade you should do a full backup before starting.  Here's our kb article with instructions for the upgrade: Minor Upgrade of SmarterMail.

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