Problem: Enable domain's SMTP auth setting for local deliveries
Question asked by Kevin McNally - 7/2/2019 at 2:00 PM
I enabled this feature "Enable domain's SMTP auth setting for local deliveries" and I keep running into issues. 

I have a customer who can't receive email from her shopify store because it is being sent from their domain. Shopify will only give me domains to Whitelist which we can't do with Smartermail. Has anyone had any experience with this?

Any advice would be appreciated.


4 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Kevin. My recommendation in this case would be to configure the Shopify site to send the email directly (via PHP sendmail possibly?) and then add the Shopfy server's IP address to the domain's SPF record to authorize it for sending email. Is that possible?

Otherwise I recommend adding an SMTP Authentication Bypass into SmarterMail to exclude this Shopify server needing to authenticate beforehand. Please be sure to review the server's security regularly to prevent it being used to spam through your server. 

These are added under Settings>Security>Whitelist. Simply add a new entry with the IP address of the Shopify server and select SMTP Authentication Bypass
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Kevin McNally Replied
Hi Kyle,

For the SPF record does it have to be the IP or can it be the address smtp.shopify.com? I am having trouble getting a list of IPs from Shopify.

Also I'd like to understand this, if a domain has the correct SPF record will it be whitelisted from needing SMTP Authentication on the server for local deliveries? 

Thank you,
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Kevin, I believe there is a better way to include hostnames, and recommend you use this generator here to simplify the process:

The SPF record updates will not whitelist the Shopify server authentication wise, it will only allow that site to send email on its own without needing to connect to SM. Alternatively, add an SMTP Authentication Bypass for the server's IP addresses and it should no longer be subjected to authentication requirements. 

I hope this clears things up! Please let me know if you have outstanding questions.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Kevin McNally Replied
Hi Kyle,

Sorry I am having trouble getting my head around this. I'd prefer to not whitelist any shopify ip addresses if possible.

But it sounds like I can update the domains SPF record and then there will be no need to whitelist the IPs. Is that correct?

I should point out the sending email is info@domain.com and delivering to the same email info@domain.com. I could change this though.


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