451-Too many messages from this user
Problem reported by Webaus Webaus - 6/14/2019 at 6:39 PM

We are experiencing error while sending Emails to domains hosted on the SM. Following are the logs:
05:46:13 [88252] RSP: 451-Too many messages from this user.  Please wait for a while and try again,
 05:46:13 [88252] RSP: 451 or have the limit increased.  
Either we had to use “Force” option to deliver those Emails or restart SM service on the server to release Emails from the server.

SmarterMail Enterprise 15.5
Windows server 2012 R2 Standard.

Please advise,
Sandy - WebAus

2 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Sandy, this appears to be a domain or user throttling configuration you have in place within SmarterMail. Can you check the domain settings to confirm if this is the case?
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mandar Kotkar Replied
I am also getting this error, but dont know where the setting is.

Primary server- SM
incoming gateway- SM
outgoing gateway - SM

getting this error for incoming emails

Error: 451 The server has reached its limit for processing requests from your host. Please try again later. 

Can you please help me how and where to increase the limit

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