SMTP Gateway Problems
Problem reported by John Marx - 6/1/2019 at 8:27 AM
When using outbound SMTP gateways if we have say three smtp.domain.com it shows all three. If the first is for DomainA, the next DomainB, and the last DomainC when choosing your gateway all three show as smtp.domain.com and you have no clue which is for which domain. 

If you use a different SMTP gateway for every domain that is fine. This though isn't the case. There needs to specify text that is displayed (e.g. Gateway DomainA, Gateway DomainB, etc.).

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John Marx Replied
To get around this problem I had to hack DNS. What I did was setup a cname that points to the gateway for each of the domains. This is definitely not best practice and SmarterTools needs to have a description of the gateway that is sorted alphabetically. Right now the system shows in the order it is added. So the order entered is Z, M, A, L, B that is how it is displayed. It should be A, B, L, M, and then Z (e.g. alphabetical).

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