Issue with Antispam raw content check.
Problem reported by Steve_N - 4/23/2019 at 8:28 AM
In the latest versions of 16 and 17 the raw content rules check stops after matching the first rule if the rule is not set to ‘match multiple’ and has the same rule type argument (e.g. contains or wildcard) as subsequent rules. When I say “first rule” I’m referring to the order in the spamConfig file, so that is essentially the rule that was modified longest ago as rules are moved below related rules when modified. It appears that the ‘match multiple’ code is running against the rules rather than running against each individual rule.
If customers do not have ‘match multiple’ enabled then a fix for this could have unexpected matches and a very different Spam score.

9 Replies

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Steve_N Replied
Still an issue in 7068
Steve_N Replied
Still an issue in 7082
Steve_N Replied
Still an issue in 7125, I can provide more detail if anyone would like.
Robert Axford Replied
I'm running 16.3.6989 

Is this issue why my raw content filtering rules never seem to work? What a pain.
Steve_N Replied
You can use the 'match multiple' work around until it's resolved. You can test your rules using a script that contains the text your filtering on, I use PowerShell to test which I'm happy to share if you'd like.
Robert Axford Replied
Thanks Steve. I'll give that a shot and see what happens.

Steve_N Replied
Has using the workaround made a difference?
Steve_N Replied
Still an issue in 7242.
Robert Axford Replied
Sorry, didn't see the earlier reply. 

I'm now using Raw Content, Regex and rules like this, and it seems to work:

That's with Match Multiple disabled and version: 16.3.6989 

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