How To Require Encrypted/Secure SMTP Authentication
Question asked by ScottF - 2/6/2019 at 10:14 AM
SM 15.7.6956 includes the following change:
"Changed: System admins can now disable SMTP AUTH LOGIN even when using SSL connections."

We had "General Setting - SMTP In - Disable AUTH LOGIN method for SMTP authentication" checked. After we upgraded to 15.7.6970, AUTH LOGIN no longer worked with SSL connections as stated in the release notes.

We found clients like MS Outlook could no longer send. It seems like my Outlook 2016 client can only use the AUTH LOGIN method. We had to uncheck "Disable AUTH LOGIN method for SMTP authentication" to fix our customers with Outlook clients. This enabled clients to send with plain text authentication.

Is there a way to allow AUTH LOGIN and require encrypted/secure SMTP authentication with SM 15.7.6970?

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