Export / Import Spam Settings does not include IP Bypasses
Problem reported by Jade D - 12/20/2018 at 10:25 PM
As the title suggest, exporting spam settings and importing to another server does not include the IP Bypasses.
I have not tested this on SM17 so assume that the issue affecting 16.X has been carried over.

4 Replies

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Jade D Replied
Following up on this thread as theres been little movement

I jumped onto live chat with Rose and was provided a tool to extract mail from grp files, +1 for the tool and asked her for any other tools to which she referred me to this 

Id be keen to get these implemented but, importing and exporting across multiple servers is still an issue.
Jade https://absolutehosting.co.za
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I have tested this on the most current SmarterMail (previously named 17)  and this functionality is now in place. In the current SmarterMail IP Bypasses will be exported, however they are exported to a json file and so can only be imported to another current SmarterMail server.
Jade D Replied
Thanks Alex!

Will update this if there are any issues
Jade https://absolutehosting.co.za
Steve_N Replied
The IP bypass rules can be found towards the bottom of the ..\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\Service\mailConfig.xml file, copy and paste them into the same file on the target server and restart the SmarterMail service.

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