100% CPU Usage on Smartermail 17 build 6915
Problem reported by Ishan Talathi - 12/10/2018 at 12:08 AM
I have disabled Indexing, Greylisting and any other reported reasons for high load. Updated to latest version 6915 as well. I think SmarterMail QA is not good enough. The last good release was SmaterMail v15 (Dec 2017) and since then every release sucks.

We are at < 4000 users on this particular server, with Dual E5 16 cores 32 vCPUs, SSDs for spool and SATA RAID10 for Mailboxes. Memory usage <20% , Disk read/write queues < 2 and CPU load at 100%.

They claim to have technicians supporting upgrade tickets , but no one has responded since Dec 8th 10AM.

7 Replies

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Reto Replied
Yes, same here. Upgraded from v15 to 6915 and over the weekend the cpu was higher as before but I expect that this is the indexing. But now since an hour the cpu is maxed out at 100%. Additional we had two service crashes since the upgrade waiting for support too. 

Employee Replied
Employee Post
Ishan and Reto, thank you for reporting the issues of 100% CPU usage with build 6915.  We have been working very closely wtih several of our customer for related issues.  We have noticed that calls to validate licensing info is one culprit for increased CPU usage.  This has been fixed and running on customer servers.  Support with be able to provide custom builds to address the issue.  The fix will be included in the next public release.
Reto Replied
Hi Robert, thanks for the reply. Any chance to get a new build? Our phone rings constantly from clients complaining about the speed of the web mail and connection timeouts in the email clients. Thanks. 
Paul Blank Replied
It seems like a good idea to wait a good 10 days to 2 weeks after a new build is released, while keeping an eye on this forum, and subscribing to any "problem" threads that concern you. We're still on v15.7.6821, and thankfully so. Any issues with this build have so far been more than tolerable; it's quite stable for my clients.

Ishan Talathi Replied
This wouldn't be possible at the rate Smartermail is doing releases. Even SM 16 has atleast 1 release every week. If you wait 2 weeks to see issues related to a release, SM will have 3 new releases in that period. They really need to improve QA after seeing the problems on 16 and 17. All avoidable issues which should have come up and been resolved in testing. 
Paul Blank Replied
That is, of course, my point exactly. There have been at least 2 minor releases of v15 since 6821, which I have passed on because of the (different new) issues associated with each release. In my case, 15.7.6821 is stable. Not using Outlook anywhere with SM, and the other reported issues do not seem to be a problem here.

So I'll continue to wait. If there are no other problems once the CPU utilization problem is resolved, I'll consider going with that release.

This does not help a lot of folks with v16 and v17, and even some with v15. So here's hoping for smoother sailing going forward.

Paul Blank Replied
Per Robert's comment above, when should we expect an update to 2915, or perhaps a custom bulld? 


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