Account Space Warnings Sent to Account
Question asked by Jerry Kuntz - 11/2/2018 at 11:26 AM
Prior to SmarterMail 16, I could swear there was a SysAdmin or Domain option to propagate an event--a warning that a user account space limit is approaching--that would send an email to that  user account.
In SM 16, it seems that in Domain Settings, I can only send that email to one specific address; and that if I wanted each user to receive an event email, I would have to go into each account and create that event.
This doesn't seem right. Am I missing something?

Jerry Kuntz
Ramapo Catskill Library System

3 Replies

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Paul Blank Replied
I am using that feature now in v15, so you appear to be correct; that feature is available.
Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Jerry,

In 16.x, notification profiles were removed, so the event action "Use Default Notification Profile for User" is no longer available. However, the ability to send users a personal disk space notice is still available in 16 and 17. 

When creating a system level disk space event, you'll find an action for "Send an email and notify the user". This will email the user, send them a browser notification, and add an entry in their Notifications window. If you'd like to be notified as well, add a second action of "Send an email" with your address in the To field. 

This functionality is also available in domain events, but you'll manage it a little differently. In the "Send an email" action, it should be possible to use variables - either #emailadress# or #username#@#domain#. 

However, in my testing, I've found that there may be a bug related to the user disk space event or variables in the email actions. I've reported my findings to the development team so they can fix things and ensure this functionality is available. 

Jerry Kuntz Replied
OK, thanks. Please post here if this bug is corrected. We really need the email actions--can't rely on browser notifications that depend on users to adjust browser settings.

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