[2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] Sending remote mail to: mail@DomainB.co.uk [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] Initiating connection to [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] Connecting to (Id: 1) [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] Binding to local IP (Id: 1) [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] Connection to from succeeded (Id: 1) [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 220 mail.ServerA.co.uk ESMTP IceWarp 9.4.2; Mon, 15 Oct 2018 13:20:19 +0100 [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] CMD: EHLO mail.ServerB.co.uk [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250-mail.ServerA.co.uk Hello mail.ServerB.co.uk [], pleased to meet you. [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250-SIZE 36700160 [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250-EXPN [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250-ETRN [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250-ATRN [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250-DSN [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250-CHECKPOINT [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250-8BITMIME [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250-AUTH CRAM-MD5 PLAIN LOGIN DIGEST-MD5 [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250-STARTTLS [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] RSP: 250 HELP [2018.10.15] 13:19:39 [98677] CMD: STARTTLS [2018.10.15] 13:19:40 [98677] RSP: 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS [2018.10.15] 13:19:40 [98677] CMD: EHLO mail.ServerB.co.uk [2018.10.15] 13:19:40 [98677] RSP: 500 5.5.1 Command unrecognized: "" [2018.10.15] 13:19:40 [98677] CMD: HELO mail.ServerB.co.uk [2018.10.15] 13:19:40 [98677] RSP: 500 5.5.1 Command unrecognized: "HLO mail.ServerB.co.uk" [2018.10.15] 13:19:40 [98677] CMD: QUIT [2018.10.15] 13:19:40 [98677] RSP: 500 5.5.1 Command unrecognized: "" [2018.10.15] 13:19:40 [98677] Bounce email written to 43698678.eml [2018.10.15] 13:19:40 [98677] Delivery for john@DomainA.co.uk to mail@DomainB.co.uk has completed (Bounced)
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