Restricted list of user names you cannot create as user.
Idea shared by Michael Luer - 9/11/2018 at 2:20 PM
I just found out you can only do this with domains not user names.  This poses a problem because I have to take up valuable license space and money for email addresses I never want hosted.   imail has done this for years through a text list of names entered for each each domain.    These names should never be created, take up disk space and add to the user list. 

I have a need to do this now and I have to spend 60 of my license spots to do it just to keep the names from being created and posers from acting like the organization causing all kinds of legal issues. 

Shouldn't be a tough add since you already have the domain version of this list. 

Thanks for listening. 

9 Replies

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I am curious as to how names are being added to the user list by users that are not admins. But I'm probably missing something; it's likely a feature I'm unaware of.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
I've been on a couple servers that appear to lock down the only domain admin account 1 per domain. Preventing users from controlling other aspects. I understand this isn't necessarily a solution to your issues, but it could be something to look into if you wanna control what can or cannot be created. I can still understand the need for a list of some sort that prevents certain names from being registered.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Michael, 

Thanks for posting your feature request. I've forwarded this to the development team for their consideration.
Hi Michael,

  Maybe I am missing something, but couldn't you just add them as aliases, as that doesn't count towards your license count, maybe make them internal only aliases forwarding to a null email address or something?

David, that sounds to me as if it would work.
API customers and the custom provisioning service I built for Smartemail has the ability to create anything hence the need for the list.  API integration introduces the need for the outside controls.

Thanks a ton for looking at this.. :)
Very cool,  Michael. Does the "alias" solution work for you? Just curious here.
I need to check.. I do a User Check to make sure the address is available before anything else is done..  I will get back to you asap.. traveling today
OK tested the Alias list and it does NOT get validated by the API.  A true user list of saved names is still the way to go here I believe. 

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