Smartermail v17 BETA
Problem reported by Ng Cher Choon - 9/4/2018 at 6:32 PM
Not A Problem
Many things that have been working for Smartermail 17.x BETA version 17.0.6816 but no longer available on version 17.0.6821.
It seems like generally all the functions available in the previous version 17.0.6816 have been removed from version 17.0.6821:
1) 2-Step Authentication are no longer available
2) The New contact properties for Nickname, Spouse Name, Assistant Name, Manager, Profession, Mileage and Wedding Anniversary have been removed from webmail contacts
3) Account setting for "Use sent items in autocomplete (webmail only)" have been removed
and the rest are not taken into testing yet.
For each upgrade, it seems that we are two steps back. The quality control for SmarterMail needs to boast up a lot, When we are about to show case the potential to our resellers the new features, these were taken away. What a shame.
Can these features be place back again?

8 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
I'm sorry, but I'm a bit confused. I still see all 3 of those items in our "production" install of 17.0.6821 and they appear to be working fine. You're saying they're completely removed from webmail? We haven't' done anything to remove any of those features from the last release to this one, so I'm not sure what's going on.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Gabriele Maoret Replied
You are a bit confused... you say that in a version of SMARTERMAIL there's functions that you cannot find in another version, but the version number that you use is the same everywhere.

Correct your post or we can't understand what you are saying
Ng Cher Choon Replied
I am sorry. I did not gone deep into it.

Let me elaborate. I believe I manage to find the steps to reproduce this error where the 2-Step Authentication is no longer available:

- Login in the Webmail with an account that has 2-step authentication enabled
- Enter your 2 step authentication token verification.
- Logout from the account 

this shows that the 2 step authentication is working

To create the problem, you need to login as the Systems Administrator as follows:

- Now login using the System Administrator using a separate browser tab
- Impersonate the same account whom you use to login earlier.
- Go to the User Settings->Profile
- FIrst you will release the Nickname, Spouse Name, Assistant Name and other fields are missing
- Try to save anything on the Profile using the Impersonated accounts.
- Next go to the Domain Setting->Accounts
- Select the same user
- You will realise that you cannot view the account passwords, such as the IMAP/SMTP/POP3 password and other password.

Next :

- Login using the same account and email password
- There is no google authentication verification.

I hope I can make myself clearer when I say 2-Step Authentication are no longer available

As for the second problem highlighted, you can easily go to the Profile of the user and see that the newly added fields are no longer available in the new version. This is also mentioned in my steps earlier.

Another bug mentioned are the Show Password are gone if you follow the steps above. 

To enable back the 2 step authentication:

- Go to the Setting->Account
- Disable the 2 step authentication
- Enable it again
- Fortunately, the IMAP/POP/SMTP and other password remains the same. If not, the user will scream at us each time they have to disable and enable it due to whatever reasons.
Ng Cher Choon Replied
Sorry, for the mistake made. I have edited the post above. Also kindly see the steps to reproduce the bugs below.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the reports. I've reported the following issues to the development team to be resolved: 
  • When an admin impersonates a user, the user's 2-step authentication is not enforced at login, regardless of the browser being used to log in. 
  • The new fields added to Contacts were not added at Settings > Profile. 
Regarding Show Password... are you logged in with the primary Administrator account or a secondary Administrator account? The primary Admin should always have the ability to view passwords while impersonating, but secondary Administrators need the account setting, "Allow shows passwords while impersonating" in order to see that option. 
Ng Cher Choon Replied
We login as Primary Administrator. We can see the passwords initially when we impersonate the user. However, when we start to make some changes in the Profile and save it, you will realise the Show passwords and other passwords such as MAP/SMTP/POP3 password and other passwords disappear.
Ng Cher Choon Replied
Sorry, for the mistake made. I have edited the post above. Also kindly see the steps to reproduce the bugs below.
Ng Cher Choon Replied
We realise that impersonating an account does not allow the Photo of the account profile to be saved too. 

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