I've recently upgraded a free version of the outgoing mail server from Smartermail 12 to Smartermail 15 on 2 of my servers and have begun having some problems that I did not have before. I also have 1 paid server that I use for all of the inboxes etc.
A few weeks ago all of the sudden both of my upgraded servers would not accept outgoing mail until I rebooted them. And then today all of the sudden on 1 server all of the email seem to be getting stuck in a spam check but I do not have any outgoing email spam checks enabled? Again I had to do a full reboot to get it going.
There were a ton of messages like this in the SMTP log
[2018.07.30] 00:29:55 [74032] Delivery started for x@x.com at 12:29:55 AM
[2018.07.30] 00:30:23 [74032] Added to SpamCheckQueue (2078 queued; 39/30 processing)
The number queued kept increasing but the number processing was always the same 39/30.
Seemed like it was going along fine with the queue and then all of the sudden I see these lines one after another where the queue was normal and then all of the sudden its negative and the 39/30 starts?
[2018.07.27] 12:35:28 [71644] Added to SpamCheckQueue (102 queued; 30/30 processing)
[2018.07.27] 12:35:31 [71934] Added to SpamCheckQueue (-38 queued; 39/30 processing)
From then on until this morning 7/31 the queue just kept increasing and wouldn't send until I rebooted the machine.
I checked the outgoing email server spam settings and I have nothing enabled for outgoing spam checking so I'm confused. Any thoughts? This never occurred with smartermail 12 before. I'm thinking about downgrading these servers again.