Blocking Emai Address
Idea shared by John Marx - 3/13/2018 at 6:58 AM
I have found it more accurate to BLOCK an email address. Marking email as SPAM doesn't work. When I mark an item as Spam it does go to the spam folder. The next one received with the same email address isn't put into spam. When I block it is truly blocked. Can we get it so that when you block that it also marks as spam or deletes it? Crazy I have to block and then either mark as spam or delete. I usually block and spam in hopes one day the spam features actually works.

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi John,
Through recent testing, we've identified a major flaw with the Bayesian filter implementation, and as a result of our investigation, Bayesian filtering has been removed from SmarterMail 17.x (currently in BETA), 16.x and 15.x. We can no longer offer support for the Bayesian filtering spam check since it is fundamentally flawed and cannot be corrected without a complete re-write. For installations running 14.x and older, we strongly advise disabling the Bayesian filter check indefinitely.
Please note that the performance of the Bayesian filtering within SmarterMail has been surpassed by other methods of spam detection, such as MessageSniffer and Cyren. These two platforms leverage hashing functionality along with heuristically-based analytics to more accurately detect and stop spam messages from being delivered. In short, Bayesian filtering is a relic of older days. You could consider it the horse and carriage compared to the automobile that is modern spam protection. That said, those who still wish to implement Bayesian filtering may benefit from reviewing eFa project, a third-party, open-source filter that includes Bayesian and dedicated Spamassassin.
Regarding the Mark Spam vs Block Sender options... The Mark Spam button will be removed in the future releases of 17.x, 16.x and 15.x. Currently, its only function is to move the selected messages to the Junk Email folder. We are making changes to how a user will manage spam in their inbox, and we are open to modifications. However, because there are many posts relating to these topics throughout this Community, we are going to lock these threads and continue the discussion on one centralized thread: 
Please join the discussion here or Subscribe for updates. 
Employee Replied
Employee Post
In Build 6911 (Dec 3, 2019), we made the following changes:

  • There is no longer a Mark as Junk or Mark Spam button. That said, we do have some existing discussion items relating to the management of spam emails. If you have additional requests relating to the Mark Spam button or managing unwanted emails in the Inbox, please post your suggestions in a new thread so we can better manage the discussion.
  • Internal Blocked Senders filter have been removed from Content Filtering and a Blocked Senders card has been added to the user's Spam Filtering instead. On this Blocked Senders card, users can select the action they would like to take for blocked senders: None, Move to Junk Email Folder, Move to Deleted Items folder, or Delete. When a user blocks a sender from their Inbox, the selected messages will follow their preferred action, and all future messages from that sender will as well.
  • Along with a Block Sender option, users have an option for Trust Sender. If a valid email was sent to the Junk Email folder, the user can click Trust Sender to send that message to their Inbox and add the sender to the Trusted Senders list. All of their future messages will bypass spam filtering and be sent to the Inbox as well.