Management interface: Move sub menu items to top level
Problem reported by Craig Parsons - 2/15/2018 at 2:21 AM
Why hide the options in a sub menu (users, KB, who's on etc), when it's not a long list in the first place?
I'd like at least some to be along the top and always visible without having to dive into the sub menu at the top of the admin screen. At least make it configurable so i can move some options if you don't want to move everything to the top level. For my setup I'd also prefer to swap out tasks with KB on the top level if i had a option to do so.
I can no longer see in an instant who's on my sites like i could before, but if this were moved to top level i would (assuming the numeric indicator for the menu icon has not been removed).

2 Replies

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Craig Parsons Replied
so i just upgraded and see this has actually already been done, although don't see a mention of it in the release notes?
Would be nice if who's on gave a count indicator in the icon.
Eric McCarthy Replied
Employee Post
I'm happy that we got what you where looking for into Track. The release notes for 13.1.6600 did mention this since that is the release it came out in.
Changed: Top navigation icons now show and hide automatically, depending on the available space.
I can see how this note could be read to not fully convey what the feature does. 
At this point we have no plans to add an counter to the Who's On icon. This is partly to maintain consistency with the other icons that also do not have counters. Also depending on the sites traffic theses numbers would constantly fluctuating. 
Eric McCarthy Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com

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