Abuse detection blocks history?
Idea shared by Webio - 11/26/2014 at 5:16 AM
does anyone knows how to find out what IP addresses has been blocked in past? I'm looking here and there and I can't find it. I have a suspicion that client IP address is being blocked by IMAP Abuse detection rule but when he calls his IP is not any more in Current Blocks section and I can't find anywhere where is history of IP addresses being blocked.

3 Replies

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So it looks that this is not possible since no one answered. Can someone from ST change this thread to idea/suggestion? IMHO this is a must for resolving various issues reported by users.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Webio, I went ahead and changed this for you to a Proposed Idea. In the future, you can adjust the Type (Idea, Question, Problem) by editing the thread. Next to the title you'll see a dropdown for the thread types. You'll simply change the type then save the thread.
Even better - something that takes those Ip addresses and adds them to an iptables like black list.

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