Allow login to multiple accounts via webinterface or quick switch over
Idea shared by Arthur Grandovskis - 1/17/2018 at 8:31 AM
Under Consideration
Not sure if this was ever proposed before but are there any plans to allow people with multiple email accounts in smartermail to switch between them quickly in web interface? 
Or perhaps the ability to share the whole mailbox with another mailbox?
For example:
I have user@webmail.com which is my main email and I also have another email address within the same smartermail install: etc@webmail.com. Currently the only way to switch between those two in a convenient way is to either use Outlook or other email client or log out of one and log into other one via web interface (sure browsers remember passwords and that's helpful). But it would be amazing if I could for example add a secondary session within smartermail so I could switch over between the two accounts at a press of a button. This would be similar in a way to what google mail allows you to do on the login page.
Hope this makes sense!

9 Replies

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Employee Replied
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You are currently able to log into multiple accounts within the same browser. You must not use the Remember Me check mark though. Using a 3rd party browser extension, like LastPass, will save the username and password if you're concerned about the Remember Me.
How does this work?
let's say in chrome.. 
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Richard. Right now this works by utilizing multiple tabs. On my Macbook, I have Chrome listed as one of my Login Items in the Users & Groups section, so every time I start up my laptop, a Chrome window automatically opens up. I pin the tabs for sites that I access every day, so they automatically persist in Chrome, even through shutting down my laptop. Two of those pinned tabs are for SmarterMail. I log into one tab with my System Admin account, and I log into my other tab with my user account. As long as you don't enable Remember Me on the one of the tabs, you can use multiple tabs to log into as many different accounts as you need.
Thanks Andrea, unfortunately, that doesn't work with me in Chrome. I have two pinned tabs and when I log into the first, then go to the other pinned tab and log in there the session on the first tab is ended.
I did find a session tool as add-on for chrome and that works. Just have to instruct the customer.
The customer asked for this 'feature' because with Gmail that's possible

Employee Replied
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Can you confirm that Remember Me was not enabled on your first login? I just tried this on my Windows side, and I was able to log into two different accounts using two different tabs. I'm glad that you have a workaround in place, but I'm unfortunately not sure what would be preventing your ability to do the same.

UPDATE: I just realized you're running SmarterMail 15.7, and that would explain why this isn't working. The ability to log into multiple accounts on separate browser tabs was added in 16.x. In 15.x, to log into another account, you'll need to open an Incognito window or a separate browser.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the feedback, Arthur! I do agree that this could be a useful feature for those who manage multiple accounts. I've brought this up as a discussion item for a future version, and I'll mark this thread as Under Consideration until a decision has been made. 
That said, please understand that since there are some other solutions in place for managing secondary accounts, like logging into multiple tabs, utilizing the SMTP Account / Email Retrieval features for pulling in email, or using the impersonate feature from the System Admin login, this may not be found to be a necessary addition. We'd have to consider the development behind adding this functionality and the number of users who would utilize it. So any visitors reading this post who would like to see this functionality implemented, please be sure to upvote the thread!
I agree there are other methods to allow multiple account access - Outlook for instance ... then why am I paying for yearly updates of product that has barely changed in years. All your improvements are for the web interface which many of my account holders can't use due its lack of basic ability to manage multiple accounts.
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There is no issue with having 2 or more sessions via webmail in v17/100. If you are still using v15 you can point multiple FQDNs which then permits multiple session in different tabs.

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