Custom Field for Offline Live Chat
Question asked by James Jenkins - 1/8/2018 at 4:57 PM
Although www.smartertools.com offers a Custom Field for Offline Chat, I don't see this option. Where is this customization option?

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi James,
The offline chat window shows the same custom fields that are available for your standard ticket submission. Log in as the Administrator and go to the Settings section. In the navigation pane, click on Custom Fields. Then click on the Templates tab. In this section, you can modify the existing "Default Ticket Template" or create a new one. When the template is configured to show the custom fields of your choosing, click on Departments in the navigation pane. Edit the Department that uses live chat, and click on the Tickets tab. For the Custom Field Template, make sure to select the template that you just modified. 
In short: 
  • When live chat is online, the custom fields that display are determined by the template chosen at Settings > Live Chat > Departments tab > [Edit Department] > Custom Field Template.
  • When live chat is offline, the custom fields that display are determined by the template chosen at Settings > Departments > [Edit Department] > Tickets tab > Custom Field Template.
I hope this helps! 
James Jenkins Replied
Hi Andrea,

Thanks for that. I thought the standard ticket and Offline Chat would be separate; one set of questions for a standard ticket and another for a chat box. Although I can see how it benefits to share the same questions, the same can be said for having different sets of questions, depending on a chosen department.

Thanks again for your answer!

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