User-Level Outgoing Gateway Settings
Question asked by Joe Davis - 11/30/2017 at 12:05 PM
In SM 15, outgoing gateways were priority based and we had the "Sender Priority Override" options. Now, gateways are chosen in the domain settings which is a much better than being priority based but we don't have the "Sender Priority Override". We now have no way to tell SmarterMail to use a different gateway or no gateway at all for specific addresses.
We have customers who use SendGrid, Amazon SES, MailGun, et. al. to ensure better email deliverability. We have SM setup with these as gateways and each domain is configured to use the correct gateway. All of this works just fine and is easier to manage than the old priority-based system. The problem is that some of these customers also use fax services like Nextiva (a VoIP provider) which allows the customer to email FaxNumber@nextivafax.com (e.g. 8165551234@nextivafax.com) which then turns the emails into faxes and sends them to the Fax Number in the email address. Nextiva (and other providers as well) restrict access to their fax system by email address. They only allow messages from specific addresses. This helps prevent send SPAM faxes. The gateway services change the header of the messages and sends them along, this makes the message not be "from" the email address the fax service is configured to allow. It ends up being from something like FaxNumber=nextivafax.com@send.customerdomain.com.
So, before SM 16, we would set the priority for this special email address to some low priority that was not tied to an outgoing gateway. This would cause SM to send all email for a domain through the gateway except email from this special address. Everything would work just fine with the fax service.
Now, without Sender Priority Override gone and Outgoing Gateways being configured on the domain, we have no way to tell SmarterMail to not use the domain's outgoing gateway for email from specific addresses.
Anybody got any ideas? It's driving our customers nuts.

2 Replies

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David Moller Replied
Same issues here. Sender priority missing in latest version of Enterprise. I have Mailgun and Amazon SES as outgoing gateways, but Yahoo is a PITA and i need to send from my server IP. I used to accomplish this in older versions by utilizing the priority, but that's long gone now. Is there a hack that would accomplish the same thing in an XML somewhere?
Douglas Foster Replied
I will assume that bringing up an outgoing gateway running an old version of SmarterMail will not solve the problem.   

It baffles me why an organization would want to send its high-volume mailings through their low-volume mail server, or why you permit this load on your systems.   Bu the customer is always right, and your customers cannot wait while you beg SmaterTools to make this a development priority.  

You need a product that you can customize.   My experience is with Declude from MailsBestFriend.com, which I have been able to customize heavily.

Here is how it could be solved today:

1) Create a SmarterMail outbound gateway to handle all outgoing mail, and integrate it with Declude.   SM drops new messages into \spool\proc for Declude to evaluate, and Declude drops messages back into \spool when it is done.   SM creates a .HDR file with summary information about the message, and a .EML file with the actual message.   Messages which require no redirection will be returned to the /Spool folder of this gateway.

2) Create additional SmarterMail outbound gateways for each of the ESP destinations:  sendgrid.net, customcontact.com, etc.   These gateways will also be configured with Declude, but will not actually use it.   Their entire function will be to wait for messages to magically appear in their /spool folder.   These gateways will also be configured to ignore MX and instead forward messages to the gateway for the appropriate email service provider.

3) Write a Declude filter to check for the special MailFrom addresses.  When a match is found, move the message into the /spool folder of the appropriate outbound gateway.  For everything else, just exit the Declude processing loop so the message will be returned to the original gateway for delivery via MX lookup.  I think this can be done with Declude's built-in capabilities using the MAILFROM variable and the COPYFILE operation.   But I have not used OPYFILE, so it will need some tesing.   If you run into problems,a windows script file can definitely get it done.

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