SmarterMail 16X installed but webmail access is very slow
Problem reported by Victor Braun Rodrigues - 10/10/2017 at 4:54 AM
We installed version 16 but the access is very slow, we have more than 3 thousand email accounts, dedicated server DUal Intel Six-Core, 32Gb RAM ... what to do? How to solve this? we used version 14 before and we had no problem of slowness, everything worked very fast.

29 Replies

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Paul Blank Replied
This is, unfortunately, not news. There are many reports of this same behavior with v16 on the forums here. People appear to be generally much happier with the Web performance of v15 than they are with v16. Might I suggest reverting to v15?
Victor Braun Rodrigues Replied
My God .. its possible? Paul ? I already read that it is not
Paul Blank Replied
I believe it is possible. I would check with ST Support, and perhaps ask for their help. From what I have read, they can assist you with this.
Victor Braun Rodrigues Replied
Thank you Paul, I'm trying to contact them now.
Linda Pagillo Replied
Victor, it is possible to roll back to 15x. SmarterTools release notes for v16x clearly states that you CANNOT, however, people in the forums were claiming that they had. I reached out to the ST staff directly and they said that when version 16x was first released, there was no way to downgrade. Now, however, downgrading is possible, but not recommended.
Linda Pagillo Mail's Best Friend Email: linda.pagillo@mailsbestfriend.com Web: www.mailsbestfriend.com Office: 703.988.3606 Authorized Reseller of SmarterTools Products Authorized Reseller of Message Sniffer
Victor Braun Rodrigues Replied
Exactly Linda ST support has recommended downgrade, they are not able to provide a functional version 16. Nonsense is that themselves recommended the upgrade on a previous call where I needed support
Paul Blank Replied
As stated previously, ST has doubled down on pushing v16, effectively shooting themselves in the foot. Truly incomprehensible.
Matthew Leyda Replied
Hard to admit they are wrong!
Kendra Support http://www.kendra.com support@kendra.com 425-397-7911 Junk Email filtered ISP
Victor Braun Rodrigues Replied
Matt we should open a post titled "Reasons not to use SM16 yet" and list all the problems so that others do not make this mistake until ST puts a usable version
Matthew Leyda Replied
Victor, I'd bet most admins upgrade without looking at the forums. I stayed on Ver15 and didn't upgrade. I was waiting for the weekly builds to stop and it became clear that V16 is SmarterTools "Vista".
That being said we may get blacklisted is we make a list of all the problems.
Kendra Support http://www.kendra.com support@kendra.com 425-397-7911 Junk Email filtered ISP
Paul Blank Replied
>> Hard to admit they are wrong! <<
And irresponsible.
Victor Braun Rodrigues Replied
Bingo Matt, I upgraded without looking at the forums ... poor me. I will do the downgrade today.
sales Replied
wish i knowed how to revert . v16 is horrible
Victor Braun Rodrigues Replied
Revert was simple, just remove version 16 and reinstall version 15 ... worked without problems.
Emil Babayev Replied
Today I made mistake and upgraded to 16 version. I returned back to 15.
mark Replied
Webmail access is very slow. When will we get a faster Smartermail16?
Alaa Majzoub Replied
The latest minor update is much better than the previous ones but still, it is annoying.
I received some complains yet from the client side it is better from the admin panel. I keep getting the admin hanged and have to refresh the pages.
Sometimes I use my smartphone to manage the accounts, imagine, it is faster.
Until they provide faster version, I am afraid the technology needs more time. 
Kyle Kerst Replied
If you have priorities set up for outgoing gateways - you may lose these configurations in rolling back. Your best bet for resolving web interface slowness is to implement a solid color background on the login screen and access from a sufficiently fast internet connection. ST did lots of work on resolving these issues - and performance improvements are marked under ideal conditions. Also, initial page load times will always be a little slower than subsequent loads.
Kyle Kerst Cameron Solutions LLC www.cameron-solutions.com
Scarab Replied
The v16 webmail interface is improving with each minor version update...but it has been been slow progress...to SmarterTools credit they have been diligently putting out frequent updates addressing issues at a faster rate than usual until it stabilizes. To put things into perspective it took 13 years to get the webmail interface in v15 to where it is. It wasn't always as smooth and fast as v15 (fondly remembering the v4 days of old and the switch from v7 to v8 which was a bit of a mess). I doubt that v16 will take that long (or at least I certainly hope that it doesn't) but there is definitely still some ways to go.
Also I noticed other applications built on AngularJS and using Middle-ware having similar performance issues, so SmarterTools isn't the only ones experiencing this problem with a new web technology...especially on initial load times.
If it matters any, I've found that the webmail interface performs best in browsers such as Vivaldi, Brave, Opera, or the new Mozilla Firefox Quantum over the traditional Chrome, Safari, IE/Edge or old Firefox. 99% of the time everything I do in the webmail interface is almost instantaneous. I do have to hit CTRL+F5 more than once a day to resolve an occasional hung screen, but I don't frequently get the spinning wheel anymore (and if I do and CTRL+F5 doesn't immediately resolve it a REBUILD FOLDER in SmarterMail does). The only exception being displaying screens with > 250 items where it is exponentially laggy to the point of almost unusable...but even that has improved a bit recently.

Both I and our customers thoroughly hated the v16 interface throughout the past 6 months but it is starting to grow on us as the performance improves and is now at least tolerable with minimal hangs. In another 6 months (probably when v17 is due) it should hopefully be pretty stable.
But yeah, the new webmail UIX did need a little more time on the back burner before it was ready to be served, IMHO.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
I haven't done any recent performance testing lately, but I do know between the old Firefox and the new Firefox, there have been some major improvements there. Also we noticed Edge had some good Javascript performance and especially with large lists or collections, however Edge also has it's quirks.
I think everyone here in the office mostly uses Chrome, especially the devs. We do each have copies of all the browsers and we do try to run tests using them. But as far as general use goes, I generally just stick with Chrome. I've been trying the new Firefox too, and I'm liking it.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
The new Safari in High Sierra also showed a huge improvement over the old. Rendering lists and large collections quickly and producing a very fluid experience. I don't use it myself though, I'm on a windows machine.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
sales Replied
Has 16x got fixed as far as web speed is concerned
Kyle Kerst Replied
Web interface slowness was noticed most on slower connections, and in early versions of v16.x. The web interface performance has improved dramatically since then, I think you'll be impressed. Always good to install on a dev box first! Make a copy of your data so you'll have a legitimate speed test, then upgrade that dev environment to 16 and see how it does.
Kyle Kerst Cameron Solutions LLC www.cameron-solutions.com
Gudmundur Unnsteinsson Replied
We upgraded a few days ago and it's a disaster. Administering it is tedious and heavy, more clicks with slow response and abnormally high cpu on the client browser - especially when looking at the spool dashboard.

Our users keep calling the help desk with various problems and or complaints, many have browser issues and some have problems printing emails. We're contemplating if we should try to downgrade back to v15.
Rick Moses Replied
Is there ANY way that you can force service providers to stay current?
Kyle Kerst Replied
On slowness, be sure to try the same account on the same server from a browser on another machine or a guest session to verify plugins/extensions aren't causing you headaches. Also, slow client connection speeds can affect the load times on initial loads as well.

As to forcing service providers to stay current - can you explain a bit further please?
Kyle Kerst Cameron Solutions LLC www.cameron-solutions.com
Rick Moses Replied
Thanks Kyle. I have the same speed issues on both Firefox and Chrome, using different URLS to access.

With regard to the forcing ISP to stay current, my ISP switched from v15 to v16.3.6558 with no advance warning. I've been having nightmare user support issues with 6558. Over the past couple of days, I've been making myself a bit of a pest, asking multiple times at various levels of support what their plans were to move to 6600 and hopefully fix a lot of problems. (Unfortunately, 6600 doesn't restore things such as single-line displays, reduced screen real estate waste, etc.) I heard from them this evening that they are planning to move to 6600 next week. I just hope it helps.

It sucks when you try to open several messages and all you get are several copies of the same message! Then again, maybe it's a config issue with their install.
Pascale Guilbault Replied
HI, I have the same problem, web access very very slow. I still have version 16.3.6522. Did you install version 16.3.6628 release february 23. Did it make any diffence??
Rick Moses Replied
My ISP upgraded to 16.3.6607 a couple of weeks ago. The speed has improved, but it still is slow to respond.

I also still have the problem whereby I have to literally count to 5 before opening a 2nd+ message. Otherwise, I end up with multiple copies of the same message.

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