Import Contacts
Problem reported by Mark Milton - 10/9/2017 at 8:14 AM
I am having issues when importing contacts.
I select the file press import and nothing happens. Anyone else having is issue or is it a known bug

Mark Milton
Pro Tech North
Web: www.protech-north.co.uk
Email: mark.milton@protech-north.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1261 838282
Web Design & Web Hosting

12 Replies

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Linda Pagillo Replied
Hi Mark. What file type are you trying to import them from? I have had this problem in the past when trying to import contacts and it was caused by an unsupported file type and/or an incorrectly formatted file.
Linda Pagillo Mail's Best Friend Email: linda.pagillo@mailsbestfriend.com Web: www.mailsbestfriend.com Office: 703.988.3606 Authorized Reseller of SmarterTools Products Authorized Reseller of Message Sniffer
Mark Milton Replied
Trying to use a CSV files. The files has just under 5000 lines which could be the issue. When I upload only 100 it works but I have to map each line to the contacts in SM
Mark Milton Pro Tech North Web: www.protech-north.co.uk Email: mark.milton@protech-north.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1261 838282 Web Design & Web Hosting
Linda Pagillo Replied
Can you try 500 at a time and see if that works? There may be some limitation in SM.
Linda Pagillo Mail's Best Friend Email: linda.pagillo@mailsbestfriend.com Web: www.mailsbestfriend.com Office: 703.988.3606 Authorized Reseller of SmarterTools Products Authorized Reseller of Message Sniffer
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
We're looking into this. There is definitely some lag and delay in importing, as well as some oddities with mapping fields. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mark Milton Replied
I can get up to 1000 to work before it crashes the browser did this on multiple connections and browsers.
Mapping is also a issue
Mark Milton Pro Tech North Web: www.protech-north.co.uk Email: mark.milton@protech-north.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1261 838282 Web Design & Web Hosting
Mark Milton Replied
Hi Derek,
Do you have a ATA for the fix? Client is waiting for his contacts to be uploaded. I can do 1000 without it crashing but they don't map.
Pressing accept all only added the display name and doing them individually still only does the display name
Mark Milton Pro Tech North Web: www.protech-north.co.uk Email: mark.milton@protech-north.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1261 838282 Web Design & Web Hosting
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Any fix would be in the next minor release. However, we can get you a pre-release build prior to that if need be.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mark Milton Replied
Will it be this Friday? A pre release would be best.
Mark Milton Pro Tech North Web: www.protech-north.co.uk Email: mark.milton@protech-north.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1261 838282 Web Design & Web Hosting
Mark Milton Replied
Hi Derek,
Will you be updating this post once a pre-release is ready? I am away on Holiday on Saturday so be good to have it installed before then
Mark Milton Pro Tech North Web: www.protech-north.co.uk Email: mark.milton@protech-north.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1261 838282 Web Design & Web Hosting
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Rose will follow up with you on that ticket you have and will include the download link.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mark Milton Replied
Thank you Derek :)
Mark Milton Pro Tech North Web: www.protech-north.co.uk Email: mark.milton@protech-north.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1261 838282 Web Design & Web Hosting
Mark Milton Replied
Hi Derek, I have installed the latest version on a test site and trying out the import which has worked this time.
When importing I have the option to map the import to the field. In the document I have Email and Work Email but went mapping there is only one email option. If I import both as email will it over right or add both as separate emails? Is there away to say which one is work and which is home/personal?
Mark Milton Pro Tech North Web: www.protech-north.co.uk Email: mark.milton@protech-north.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1261 838282 Web Design & Web Hosting

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