Why 17?
Question asked by John Marx - 9/18/2017 at 5:19 AM
I am asking this question after weeks of debating how to ask it. We just had the latest release and I am seeing more bug reports within these forums. I want to say I love SmarterMail and want to clarify that to me mail is the following: Email, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes (e.g. everything in out of the box Outlook). Beyond those features I consider it "extra or bonus stuff". I also believe the conscientious, even with SmaterTools, is they were over zealous in moving to v16. I like v16 but without the problems (wouldn't we all agree to that?).
With the above said I am a software developer and believe in advancement. I love they are looking at v17 already and will be providing us with a roadmap. What I also believe should happen at this same time is that NO development to v17 start until we have a stable v16 that is as stable as v15.
I will say I do not​ regret going to v16 (we were on v15). It is better (minus the bugs). The bugs are very irritating for sure. I just want to state from a small company (only 100 domains) that this affects our bottom line being unstable (and specifically slow -- it is getting better each update).
I would prefer that rather than waiting 3-4 weeks between updates that we go to a weekly or bi-monthly schedule until these matters get resolved. I know that is more work and more work for us administrators but if we can more rapidly show our clients an agile process happening it will help.
I do see new features like in this past weekends updates which is nice and I know you have enough developers to do new, next version, etc. at SmarterTools but lets throw all the resources and brain power to fix the current problem.
Again, this is not a vent or dig. This is fact. We ​need a Microsoft Exchange alternative​ and that means we have speed, reliability, and happy users. 

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