Import Users via CSV - Not working
Problem reported by Damir Matešić - 8/18/2017 at 1:45 PM
The import contacts from google csv is not working. This is a big issue for me. I don't like the idea to type contacts one by one. Please solve it ASAP. 

10 Replies

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Damir Matešić Replied
I get 526 UNKNOWN contacts. Are you kidding me.
Damir Matešić Replied
And from Outlook CSV file the contacts are imported but with no country specific chars. Do you think that Kundžić is readable?
Juan Lai Replied
It seems 'caused by encode. I imported the contacts from SM15, I need to manually convert the encode to UTF-8 by notepad++, or some unreadable characters will appear.
Damir Matešić Replied
Ok. I have users that don't know and even want to have some manual work. The tool should work as it is.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Can you send a ticket to sales@ and attach at least a snippet of your CSV with the country specific characters as well as some of the contacts that are listed as "unknown"? 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Damir Matešić Replied
Hi Derek.

I did it already.

Kind regards

Damir Matešić Replied
I opened a ticket 12 days before for a CSV adress book import issues i am facing and is still not resolved. 
12 days for a ticket of mapping one simple CSV file. This is a task of few hour of programming.
I have no words to describe how angry i am.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Your ticket was opened on the 18th, after business hours. We replied first thing on the next business day and were in constant contact with you. We had a pre-release build to you within a week. The issue you reported IS fixed: The import/upload correctly recognizes the foreign characters. As such, I'm marking this issue as Resolved.
Realize the uploader was designed to allow for multiple files to be uploaded at one time. In such cases, the fields in each sheet, most likely, won't match, especially when CSV exports are from other products/services. Therefore, that requires mappings to be created for each contact in order to ensure the mappings are set correctly for each contact imported across all sheets.
The CSV file you provided is a PERFECT example of why importing contacts works the way it does. Under the "Phone 1 Type" heading, you have a mixture of "work", "home", "mobile" and "other" as the phone number Types. Without mapping those contacts individually, all those phone numbers would go under 1 heading. Therefore, having to map contact-by-contact allows you to properly place those phone numbers in their proper contextual setting for each contact.
I understand you don't like that resolution and how contact importing works. That's MUCH different than saying your issue isn't fixed.
Oh, and please don't post the same thing to multiple different Community threads...it's kind of repetitive and a bit childish. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Damir Matešić Replied
Hi Derek,
We can talk about 10 or 12 days of a opened ticket but it’s almost the same. Still the Outlook csv is not working so I wouldn’t say that the ticket is resolved. But this is not important right now.
I think that the business perspective of the issue is more important than the ETA of the ticket. We are all business users, right?
When I want to migrate my mail system from one solution to another I want to be able to use it as quick as possible. You are telling me that is normal for the contact import that I must review every single contact before importing it in Smarter Mail? So, 250 contacts x 10 clicks is about 2500 clicks in the user interface and do yourself a math how much time I will spend for it. Time that I currently don’t have and my customer don’t have either. If I had that time my contacts would be already cleaned up. So, in the moment I want to migrate to a new mail solution I don’t care if the mail address or telephone number is written under “home”, “work”, “mobile” or “other”. I just need to have the contacts imported in my new mail solution. When I will have the time, and will I can clean up the records.
Try to migrate from Microsoft Outlook to Gmail or vice versa, you will need approximately 5 minutes to export and import contacts from one system to another. The time spent to be able to start make business on the new system is the only time that counts.
I know what the problem was from my programming perspective but I don’t want to talk about it right now.
Kind regards,
Damir M.
Damir Matešić Replied
Hi Derek, hope you have great times. Can i hope to get an update from your side on this ?

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