Hosted user account blocked from sending
Question asked by Jay Altemoos - 8/11/2017 at 12:38 PM
So I have a question maybe someone can answer, I got a call from one of my users today specifying they cannot email out of their email account from webmail. They are getting the "Outbound messages have been temporarily blocked due to spam behavior  detected on your account." What I found out was they sent a mass email and got several bounced emails back to them. We have a rule setup for this to trap an email account that may have been compromised to stop a spammer from landing our mail server on a blacklist. So the rule is set to trip if 10 bounces come back within 1 minute. So this user's account tripped the rule set to fire off, all well and good that it works, but I can't find where I release this users account. Checking the Current IDS SMTP block list, it's a mile long. I cleared all the IP's for the United States but none of them released this user's account. We still couldn't send. I did a quick text search through the SmarterTools folder to find her account anywhere and all I turned up were regular log files. I used AgentRansack text search.
So my question is this, where does SmarterMail store this information? There's no text file I can see that has a flag set, so it must be stored in memory correct? The only way I could clear this is restart the SmarterMail service which I really think is backwards. Plus restarting SM is a major inconvenience to all the rest of our users we host and this type of thing really should be stored in a file or a database file somewhere so we can manually release the account. Better yet give us another area like dashboard to manually clear the entry out like the Current IDS section has. Thankfully the issue doesn't crop up all that often, but when it does it's a huge issue to reboot the SM service just to clear something like this out, when all we need is an area where we can check like we already have with the Current IDS blocks, just add an extra section for local domains or whatever.
If there's something I am missing please let me know. Anyone else have a run in with this?

4 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Jay! 
Sorry about the delay in getting back to you on this. Blocks that are triggered from the Bounces Indicate Spammer abuse detection rule should appear on the Current IDS Blocks page. There was a bug in 15.x and 16.x that prevented that block from appearing, but that's been resolved in both versions. Please keep an eye out for this fix in the next minor releases. 
Mark Milton Replied
I am having similar issues but from selected IPs
Mark Milton Pro Tech North Web: www.protech-north.co.uk Email: mark.milton@protech-north.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1261 838282 Web Design & Web Hosting
Jay Altemoos Replied
Thank you for the follow up Andrea. I will keep an eye out on the updates page for a fix. I appreciate you looking into this. Thank you!
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Mark Milton,
Can you provide some more details on the issue you're running into? Only a select number of IP addresses are giving you trouble with IDS Blocks? What type of rule is being triggered?
Thank you,

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