SmarterMail Services - access user's emails
Question asked by Gergő Schubert - 6/15/2017 at 1:07 AM
Is there any way to access a specific user's mails via smarter mail api?

3 Replies

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Shaun Peet Replied
Marked As Answer
In version 16, since everything is API-driven, I believe that this is now possible (although I haven't tried it myself).  The documentation for how to do so is under construction though.
I've looked at the web services available in version 15 and nothing appeared to be available to access mailboxes in those prior versions.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
You are correct and we are in the middle of documenting the mail API right now, so this isn't too far off in the future. Definitely not this week or next week, since we are still slamming away on these bugs.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com
Gergő Schubert Replied
Thank you guys,
At this time, it's not so urgent. I wait patiently.
Best wishes,

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