SM16 Default Calendar Business Hours..?
Idea shared by michael~ - 6/6/2017 at 7:26 AM
Heyhey -- 
It would be nice, specifically for corporate installations, if there were a domain default for Calendar Business Hours. i'm not sure if that needs any more explanation...  
-- michael~

2 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
That's not a bad idea, Michael. It's been added to our feature discussion sheet.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Michael
I wanted to follow up with you on this. We discussed this feature -- and all of the other features we have on our list to add to SmarterMail -- and while this feature is appealing, considering the length of our list, and pending additional work to Business Hours (as of now there's no actionable event or real advantage to setting business hours for users apart from having the hours indicated on the webmail calendar) we're going to backlog this for a potential future release. As such, I'm going to change the status of the request to "Declined" as I don't know which future version may include any changes to business hours. PLUS, this request in an of itself would be part of a larger change...
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com

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