SM16 Loading Modal Shouldn't Overlay Main Navigation
Idea shared by Shaun Peet - 5/29/2017 at 11:12 AM
We're going to be using the new webmail internally for a while since we're basically imposing it on our customers :)
When I go to the Calendar view something is broken.  Not sure what yet - I might be creating a support ticket soon if I can't figure it out, but hence the reason for this suggestion.
Whatever is breaking my calendar view causes the big spinning circle of loading to appear as a modal overlaying the entire page.  This prevents me from going back to any of the other (working) areas of the webmail, such as the email section.  So I'm wondering if it would be possible to set the z-index of the top navigation bar to a value higher than the loading modal?  Then at least if I end up on an unresponsive page then I can go somewhere else without needing to hit the browser's back button.
In my case, whatever is causing the spinning loading circle on the calendar view isn't even fixed by hitting the browser's back button to go back to the email section.  It goes back there, but the loading modal doesn't go away until I do a full browser refresh.
Now to try to figure out what's causing the calendar view to crash...

10 Replies

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Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
Yea, sounds like we might be getting and exception somewhere.  I will have an outbound ticket created so the mail team can take a look.
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com
Just wanted to provide an update on this.
In the support ticket we have traced the problem to an invalid value of the <BirthDate> property within the userConfig.xml file, within the <Contact> section.  The issue is that I had set my birthdate sometime prior to V16 and the value was saved as MM/DD/YYYY.  When I compared that with another account which did not have a birthdate set prior to V16, saving a new value in V16 goes in as DD/MM/YYYY.  So the month date date were reversed.
It's quite possible that this is a bug affecting *any* user that had set their birthdate prior to a V16 upgrade, where the month / day are reversed in the userConfig.xml file.  However, that would only cause an error if the user's day of the month for their birthdate is 13-31 (mine is in that range).  In addition, we are located in Canada although our servers are set to en-US - so some strange locale issues may be happening as well.  In any case, now that we've identified the root cause SmarterTools can figure out the extent of the problem and implement a fix.
So the reason this mattered is that there's a call to /api/v1/settings/user-mail which is used on the Calendar view as well as on the Settings pages (and others) which wasn't handling an invalid date exception and returning a Bad Request response.  Because of that response the rendering / javascript processing of affected pages would break.  Again, I think there's going to be lessons learned from this that will make SM16 better for everyone - so that's great.
I'm still back to the original request that's part of this thread though.  The z-index of the main navigation bar at the top of the page need to be higher than the loading modal because if there is a rendering / javascript / angular issue that causes the loading modal to stay activated there's no way for the user to navigate to a different page other than using the browser's back button.
Thanks to Derek & Robert for their support on this including providing a custom build to help with the diagnostics.
This bug still exists in Version 16.0.6369 (June 9).
to clarify - it's not the bug that was causing the loading modal to appear (that problem was fixed) - but it's the idea that the loading modal has a higher z-index value than the very top navigation bar.  There are still some pages where the loading modal shows, like on certain reports, and if the user wants to go elsewhere without waiting for the report / page to load they should be able to do that.
Seems like a simple fix - just increase the z-index value of the top navigation bar so that nothing ever overlays it.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Shaun, do you mean the spinner or another modal?
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com
The spinner.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Gotcha. I put it on the list to discuss. Thanks for the clarification.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com
This still exists in Version 16.0.6376 (Jun 16, 2017)
This still exists in version 16.0.6390 from June 30.
The good news is that with the latest version, the spinner shows up less frequently, but there's still times when it does.  For example, in my installation I go to Root -> Reports -> Incoming Spam and then change the Mode to Domains and that report takes about 25 seconds to load.  During which time I can't navigate anywhere else because the spinner overlays the entire screen.  Not a big deal if I'm patient enough to wait for the report to load, but it is a big deal if for whatever reason there's a failure and now the user can't do anything because the spinner blocks all navigation.
Simple solution, if possible, is to make the z-index value of the top navigation bar higher than that of the spinner.
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
This behavior is intended because you are in an operation that needs to be finished.
The operation might be that it is waiting for data from the server (internet speed) or it is processing something on the server.  It is very important that these operations finish uninterrupted because we also cache some of this data on the client as you move throughout the interface.
The spinner was appearing more often then it should until we found that bug in the routing component we were using.
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com
Thanks, I appreciate the explanation and resolution.

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