Issues with Contacts in SM16
Problem reported by kevind - 5/18/2017 at 6:31 AM
Not sure if you want to stay compatible with IE11 (I think a few people still use it). Here are a couple issues with Contacts in SM 16.0.6345:
First, it seems like it takes a long time to open the pop out window. Just go to Contacts and click New. It takes 3-4 seconds to fill in the window. It's faster with Chrome, but there's still a delay.
Second, when you edit a contact and click any of the buttons at the top (Save, Cancel, Delete), IE pops up an annoying window asking if you want to leave this page.

14 Replies

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echoDreamz Replied
SmarterMail 16 is slow for everyone (at least at our end). We have had over 100 tickets opened regarding SM16 being slower, or causing heavy usage on the browser, many customers with slower / older Internet connections are saying it takes 15 - 30 seconds to initially load SmarterMail.

From our end, our SM 15 install mailservice process avg. 22% CPU throughout the day, since upgrading to SM 16, the avg. is now 48%. I am not sure if it is doing some long running tasks in the background, but overall, the entire SmarterMail system just seems a lot slower. Not just the SM process, the IIS worker process CPU usage also also went from an avg. of 12% to 35%. So there is a massive jump in overall system usage.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
There are some long running tasks that run once after upgrading. We have some cleanup code that runs once relating to conference rooms, there were issues in 15 with conference rooms losing what event they were bound to so we run a task that cleans them. This requires checking every calendar for every user for each domain. It's pretty fast but if you have a lot of users it could run for a bit. We also have a similar check for file storage.
You can check to see if the conference room cleaner has finished by checking for this line in your mailConfig.xml
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
echoDreamz Replied
Matt, we have over 20k users. So I imagine this is the issue? I'd rather wait and let the mail server do its job.
echoDreamz Replied
Matt, is there a way to track the status? In the maintenance logs maybe?
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
You can't track the status but you can see if its done running by checking mailConfig.xml for that line I mentioned above.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
echoDreamz Replied
Yeah, it is done. So the higher CPU usage is just how it is now :)
kevind Replied
New installation with just a few users, and it's still slow loading/editing contacts.
Can you duplicate IE problem with closing the window?
Also, here's another issue. When you load a picture for a contact, it stretches or condenses the picture to fit the square box which makes the person look funny. This happens with all browsers. For example, when I load this pic of the president into my contacts, it shrinks to make him look skinny.
This didn't occur in SM15. Most photos are not square, so can it just crop it instead?
kevind Replied
Just a bump to confirm these items can be duplicated or are on the list. Let me know if you'd prefer a separate thread for the picture issue. Thanks.
kevind Replied
Just following up on this thread. Using the Jun 9 build, still noticing these issues:
  • The pop up window is slow to open when creating/editing a contact.
  • Closing the contact window in IE throws up a "Leave this Page" dialog.
  • Pictures of contacts get squeezed or stretched out.
None of these items occur in SM15. Thanks.
kevind Replied
Hello? Not sure why this thread doesn't get any acknowledgement. All the issues still exist in Version 16.0.6376. Is it because IE is no longer supported? Just let me know and I won't bother with providing feedback.
Suggestion: with weekly builds it would be nice to have the date in the version as it's more meaningful than a build number:  Version 16.0 - Jun16
Shaun Peet Replied
I'm trying to include both the date and build number when commenting in the forum - but you're right, it would be easier to just remember the date instead of the build number.
kevind Replied
Yeah, I've seen it with other software and it's easy to work with. Choose About and you can quickly determine if you are on the latest version vs. having to cross-reference a meaningless # with the release notes.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Profile images (and contact images) should have a 1:1 ratio, width to height. The ones we use for our GAL entries are 175x175 -- and they're the same ones we used since at least SmarterMail 10.x. That said, we'll look into modifying the ratio requirement in both areas.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
kevind Replied
This sounds complicated for the user who is not going to want to (or be able to) crop and resize every picture they upload.

In SM16, the aspect ratio changes when it resizes a pic. If you just lock the aspect ratio when resizing (like SM15 did), you should be all set.

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