BUG: When SMTP-OUT Append authenticated as header for outgoing messages is marked the header doesn't exists in outbound messages
Problem reported by CLEBER SAAD - 5/4/2017 at 10:02 AM
Using SM Version 15.5.6222.
According with the documentation (http://help.smartertools.com/SmarterMail/v15/Default.aspx?p=_SA&v=15.5.6222&lang=en-US&page=systemadmin/frmprotocolsettings) if the item "Append authenticated as header for outgoing messages" in SMTP OUT is checked the header "x-smartermail-authenticatedas" exists in all outbound messages, but, in version 15.5.6222 don't work.    
In others version work (such 14.x) but in 15.5, don't.

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