Meeting Availability for external users
Idea shared by Jens Straten - 2/28/2017 at 11:11 AM
Would it be possible to add some features that increase productivity? For example, I would like to see an option for external users to schedule a meeting using my calendar data (or a subset of it if possible).
I am kind of visualizing an option to send a URL which allows the receiver to select a date and time.
An example of this functionality is the meeting scheduler offered by HubSpot.
I believe this would be a feature many users would want. I also think that it isn't too complicated since SmarterMail is already web based.

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thank you for the suggestion, Jens! This functionality will not be included in version 16.x, but I can see the benefit of its addition. So this request does not get lost when we close the SmarterMail 16.x BETA category down the road, I am going to move this to the standard SmarterMail category. 
Thank you! 

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