Blacklist a block of IP address
Idea shared by Stephen Roesch - 2/20/2017 at 8:28 AM
It would be really nice to be able to blacklist an entire block of IP address in the SPAM dashboard.
We get these type of spammers all the time, only sending 10 or 15 at a time. In the Actions menu, I can block the IP Address, but I would love to be able to click Actions->Block
Right now, I do that manually but going to the blacklist and entering in

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This!  Yes, please!  This is desperately needed.  Afrinic servers are spewing spam, phish, spear phish, script attack, and other malicious emails, and there's no way to identify them except by a wide range of IPs in the headers.
I'm bumping this because I would love this to be a feature (with a drop-down for the CIDR Range, i.e. /24, /23, /22, etc.). Granted I can manually enter them into the Blacklist as such, but most of the time when I need to block IPs from the Inbound Senders it is after-hours and I'm on my phone at the pub. It's a QOL feature request, but it would be very much welcomed.

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