Auto updates for Smartermail (like OTA or the way antivirus do it ?)
Idea shared by Shivam Parikh - 12/30/2016 at 8:54 AM
Under Consideration
Auto updates for Smartermail (like OTA or the way antivirus do it ?)

How about an option for us Admins to click on "update" and an auto-updated or installer to download the update (minor or major) and simplify installations or upgrades completely ensuring SmarterMail is up to date as long as the Admin wishes to do so.

3 Replies

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Like Kerio Connect already do!
Any chance we can see this ?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the suggestion, Shivam! I can definitely see the benefit in allowing the system to auto-update, and it's something we'd like to see in the future. However, this functionality will not make it into SmarterMail 16. 
I'm going to move this to the standard SmarterMail category so that this request is not lost when we close the SmarterMail 16.x BETA Category down the road.

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